Doing the Mom Thing

You've probably read my posts complaining about being overwhelmed, or talking about how being a stay-at-home momma is, to say the least, challenging.  And ya know what?  It is tough.  It's hard work to spend every single moment with your children, even more so when one of them is a step-child.  But I wouldn't say I have it any harder than a working mom.  A working mom has to drop her kids off at daycare or some form of baby sitter, work their butts of at some form of job just to come home and do the mom thing before she's able to collapse.  They work double-time, a double-life.

And I am thinking about stepping into that role.  As of right now, I am a stay-at-home mom/student.  I am pursuing a degree in Addiction Psychology, taking all the classes I can online.  Juggling time has become somewhat of an expertise for me here lately, as I handle doing the mom thing along with finding a few moments to study and work on homework.  The opportunity has come available for me though, to get a child care grant through my school.  If I put the little ones into daycare, I will be able to find a part-time job.  I know it would help out tremendously, as my fiance is the sole breadwinner in our household and the burden has been pretty heavy lately.

What are your opinions?  Are you a stay-at-home momma or do you work outside the home?  Is one easier than the other?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about the SAHM vs. WAHM vs. WOTHM (working outside the home mom):


  1. I'm a work at home mom with 2 girls in pre-school during the day. You have to do what you feel is best for your family, and not worry about what others think. If my girls were at home with me while I worked, I hate to admit that I probably would find it hard to divide my time and attention up to them. I'd probably turn on the T.V. a lot (and that didn't sit well with me) so that's why we made the decision to do preschool. They love it there are thriving there. When I asked my oldest if she'd rather go to her preschool or stay at home with me all day, she said, "go to preschool!" She loves her friends and all of the fun activities planned for her! Do what you need to do. I totally understand how being a stay at home mom is overwhelming! There are definitely good days and bad, but I think we have those days no matter if we work outside the home, stay at home, etc! :) Good luck!

  2. I'm doing the SAHM thing now, and I worked part-time while I was pregnant with my second. For me, I really enjoyed having some non-mommy time with other adults and using my professional skills. I don't think I would have been happy to work full-time and be away from my daughter so much, but 2 or 3 days a week was a nice balance for me.

  3. I am a SAHM. I didn't start out that way with my daughter, but me being home is what is best for our family. If you are doing what is best for your family it doesn't matter if you are SAHM or working, you are still a mom.


I love reading your comments!