I received a sample in order to facilitate an honest review. All opinions are my own.
So you've actually managed to sneak your little guy's lovey away from him so you can throw it into the washer. How long will it be before you get this chance again? To get rid of the stench and make sure he'll have a Fabulously Fresh blankie for weeks, check out new New Purex® Crystals Limited Edition Fabulously Fresh.
And while you're there, be sure to enter their $1000 shopping spree giveaway on their Facebook page!
My Review:

Like most little ones, my Sammy has a lovey. Several, in fact. The green blankie (or dwinkie, as he calls it) has to be with him at all times. That means it gets dragged through unimaginable yuckiness, gets food spilled on it, and smells like dirty feet. When I received Purex Crystals' new Fabulously Fresh laundry scent booster, the first thing I threw in the washer was the blankie.
The Crystals are easy to use - I have a front load washer, so all I have to do is add them into the drum with the clothes and close the door. The clothes come out smelling so fresh and clean, especially when you use the Purex lavender fabric softener sheets in the dryer, too.
Sammy was so excited, his dwinkie was all warm and toasty and smelled great! It's been about a week since it was washed, and he's still sniffing it to fall asleep.
I'm not afraid of his blanket now that we have new Purex Crystals Fabulously Fresh laundry booster!