[Not So] Wordless Wednesday - Kids are awesome

Wordless Wednesday - Kids are awesome

Kaya's getting so big.  The change from a scrawny little 4 pounder to this chubby sweet roly poly happy baby... I love it!  Tell me those aren't some kissable cheeks!

When Sammy was a baby, I used to follow him around everywhere with a camera, not wanting to miss one photo op.  Then, as he's grown, the camera comes out less and less.  I'm realizing that memories are made regardless of whether or not a camera is present.  But then again, I almost feel like Kaya is getting the short end of the deal, because I've taken so few pictures of her.  That's why I love Wordless Wednesdays - they remind me to pull out the camera and snap a good picture or two

This, my friends, is a rare moment.  A time when the two older kids are getting along and playing together without me having to intervene.  They took the couch cushions off and made not a fort like other kids might, but a throne that they shared.

Sweet moments like these are what makes parenting awesome

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