Buy some shoes, Help your school!

pediped® has just launched a new campaign, ‘pediped ♥ ‘s Schools’, where participating schools can earn up to $10,000 per year!  Schools that enroll through pediped's new initiative will receive 10% of all purchases of pediped® footwear.  Like we needed another reason to love pediped® shoes??

Each school that enrolls will receive an unique code that parents (and others in the community!) can use when buying shoes through  These purchases will be added together from now until May 15, 2014 and pediped® will send a check for 10% of all combined purchases for each school code in June of 2014.

School officials, PTA and PTO leaders, and even parents and teachers can enroll their school and track earnings on the pediped® website.

So when school starts back, make sure your school officials know about pediped ♥ ‘s Schools and earn your school some money!

You can connect with pediped® on facebook, twitter, and pinterest.


  1. We love pediped shoes! Love that they are giving back to our schools

  2. LOVE Pedipeds! They're the pre-walker shoe of choice in our household. Like I really need an excuse to buy my daughter another pair....


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