3 Months (+1 week)

My little Kaya is 3 months old (plus a week, I'm slacking.)  I don't know where the time is going, because I still don't seem to have enough of it hiding anywhere!  These last two weeks have been amazing with her - it seems like the first two months were just eat, poop, sleep but she's finally developing a little personality!

Here's a small little recap:

~Tracking toys (and Momma, and anything else that catches here attention!) - Kaya is watching everything, absorbing I'm sure!
~Picks her head (and chest) up when laying on her belly for close to a minute at a time
~Smiles, coos, and will laugh on (very sporadic) occasion
~When laying on her back, she will scoot from one end of her bassinet to the other by pushing her feet down and propelling across the mattress (this one is bothersome, really... It tells me that it wont be long at all before I have another mobile child... I'm not ready!!)
~Stares at her hands like they are the coolest thing in the world

Oh, and here's a new one - She sleeps through the night!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I could not be happier about this.  Sammy still gets up at least once a night; we have had sleep problems with Sammy since he was a month old.  Kaya has been sleeping from midnight to 4, and I was loving that 4 hour stretch.  But last night?  from 10pm until 7am I had a blissful, silent, amazing night of sleep.  It was marvelous!!

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