My Goofy Kids

Sammy, the two year old, is working on potty training.  So of course, this means he's learning to undress... We got home today from dropping Daddy off at work and as soon as we walked in the door he strips down to his diaper.  Then he disappears into his room for a while, comes back and is wearing my old rain boots.

Striking a pose? 
And Kaya, she's starting to make faces and sounds now... Her newest face?

She'll have quite a sense of humor, I'm sure

Speaking of Kaya - we have the sweetest little beanies from the hospital for her.  Sammy has a hat fetish fascination.... He also likes big sister's necklaces...

Swag?? no.

My kids are awesome.


  1. omg! i was having a bad afternoon, until I saw these now!Kaya's face is sooooo great!

    1. Glad we could make you smile :) She's only 2 months, but already a goofball lol

  2. Thanks for sharing your goofy kids. I have two of my own. The oldest is six. He insists on wearing his shoes on the wrong feet. I just don't get it.

  3. You have adorable kids. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I have a granddaughter named Kaya!

  5. What cute kids! Your pics made me laugh. Thanks for that :)


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