Headache Remedies

Let's face it. I've got a screaming meanie that runs around beating on everything 24/7. Ok maybe that's a little drastic, since he sleeps for about 8 hours + a nap. So 15 hours a day, I have this loud little guy that doesn't give me time to think, let alone relax.

I already suffered from migraines a couple of times a month before I became a mom, but geez, here lately I've been getting horrible headaches almost every afternoon.  I decided to do some research about how to get rid of them and thought I would share what I found.

  • Over the counter meds Of course, the first action taken is a Nonsteroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) such as Motrin or Aleve (ibuprofen and naproxen, respectively.)  These work by blocking a chemical in the body that causes inflamed tissue to swell and signal the brain where there is pain. Of course, there are side effects - including nausea, kidney and liver issues if you take too many, blah blah blah.  If you have migraines often, this probably isn't the way to go.

  • Relaxation Methods Yoga, meditation, sitting in a nice warm bubble bath for an hour... Yeah I'm gonna have to skip this one since I HAVE A TODDLER and this just doesn't happen. I'm lucky if I have time to shave my legs in the shower.

  • Pressure Points This is one method that I use frequently for mild to moderate headaches.  There are a bunch of different pressure points on your body that can help ease a headache.  
    • Temples - Using your thumbs, apply a little bit of pressure on your temples and massage counterclockwise for a minute taking deep breaths.  It helps a little bit, especially for tension headaches.
    • Above Bridge of Nose - There are two pressure points located right at the inside ends of your eyebrows, above the bridge of your nose.  You can lightly rub these areas for about 30 seconds.  Just be careful not to press to hard because the website I was reading from said that it can cause an "overwhelming feeling" and I don't know about you but if I have a bad headache, I'm overwhelmed enough!

There are several other things to help relieve headaches, but not much has been helping this series of stress-pounders that I've been having lately.  Maybe I need a Mom-cation?

<-This costume pretty much sums up how my head feels right now...

How do you get rid of a headache?

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