Herbalism is the study of using plants as medicine. Herbal remedies have existed for probably as long as humans have walked the Earth. In fact, a lot of our prescription medicines are based on components found in nature. Herbal remedies can be found as capsules, tablets, vitamins, tinctures, powders, or as the plant/root itself.
While I’m not a medical professional, nor do I claim to be, I have spent a lot of time researching the benefits of various herbs and natural remedies because as a mom, I always want to try home remedies for common ailments before taking the medication route. That’s not to say that everything can be cured with a natural remedy, but for most common problems that don’t really warrant a trip to the emergency room, herbal remedies can be amazing.
We already know that certain herbs like vitamins are good for your body and overall health. Many of these haven’t been considered by the FDA as approved treatments though, so be sure to check with your doctor or do plenty of research before deciding if any of these remedies are right for you.
Here are some of the more common herbal remedies and their uses:
Alfalfa is often used for bladder prostate, and kidney conditions, and to increase urine flow. It can also be used to lower cholesterol, reduce asthma symptoms, combat osteoarthritis, relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain, diabetes, and upset stomach. Alfalfa also has a laxative effect which can help with constipation.
Chamomile is another herb with many uses. I know I used Chamomile often in my own household any time the kids have a tummy ache or a cold. In fact, it can help give relief from upset stomachs, colds, bronchitis, bladder troubles, and jaundice. This herb is also helpful in the regulation of menstrual cycles, rheumatic pain, and headaches. There has even been some evidence that Chamomile can decrease colic symptoms in babies. In addition, it can even act as an insect repellent when used properly.
CBD Oil, sold by companies like Diamond CBD, is a tincture made from the cannabinoids of a marijuana or hemp plant. Unlike THC, CBD, or Cannabidiol, doesn’t have a psychoactive effect on its users, but has many different benefits. It has been known to relieve many common health issues, including anxiety, depression, acne and heart disease. It can also be used for pain relief. There are many other uses for CBD oil.
Dandelion can not only be used as an herbal remedy, but is a delicious salad ingredient as well. This herb can increase activity in the pancreas, liver, and spleen and contains insulin substitutes. Dandelion has a great mineral and vitamin content and can be used for treating some kidney and liver disorders. Dandelion can also be used to increase appetite, reduce nausea, and fight intestinal gas. Some people use it for gallstones, muscle aches, joint pain, eczema, and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine production, and as a laxative tea it can increase bowel movements. It can also be used as skin toner and a digestive tonic.
In some parts of the world, people even use dandelion to treat infection, especially viral infections, and cancer.
Eucalyptus has been a major ingredient in many commercial medicines such as cough and sore throat medications, for quite some time. Eucalyptus plants contain oils that are used as extremely potent antiseptics. Because of this, it is often applied locally on wounds, sores, and burns. Eucalyptus can also be used as an insect repellent.
Ginseng is a very common root that has been used in Chinese culture for over 5000 years. This herb helps strengthen the heart and nervous system. In addition, it is said that it builds up a general mental and physical vitality and may even be effective for treating colds, coughs, gout, diabetes, headache, and backache.
Hawthorn is a plant that is known to cause the dilation of the coronary vessels. An improvement has been shown in heart patients and it can also be helpful with insomnia. It has been shown to treat high blood pressure when taken over a period of time.
Strawberry used as a tonic has been shown to help the entire body. It is helpful with diarrhea, night sweats, liver complaints, and jaundice, and even gout. Strawberry can be used internally for weak intestines and is sometimes even used as an enema.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the potential herbs and supplements that can be found in nature or through your local herbalist. If an herb does not agree with you or if you feel adverse effects, discontinue using the herb. The information contained in this article is not intended to replace the services of a physician.
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