6 Surprising Skin Care Tips (Including Hemp!) That Can Make You Look Years Younger

All of us know how important it is to stay healthy and strong, right? But is it vain to wish we could hold on to our youth, for even just a little bit longer? With the tons of research that have been done on the subject, and the countless hours spent trying different remedies and concoctions for hundreds of years, I don’t think it is. I know I can promise you this, you definitely aren’t the first person to wish you could slow down the aging process.

Sure, there’s plastic surgery and other, higher-tech, methods for looking younger, but not everyone wants to (or can afford to) go under the knife for their appearance. The good news is though, there’s a lot that we can achieve just by being consistent in maintaining healthy lifestyles and eating habits.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a magical fountain of youth, but we can definitely maintain our youthful appearances a little bit longer if we put in a little bit of work.

To help you out, I have 6 easy steps that can make you look younger:

Detox Those Impurities – Detox. This has been a buzzword lately that everyone seems to be using, and it might not mean what you think it does. So many companies try to tell you miracle “detox” products, but the truth is, you don’t need them! Our bodies have their own detoxifiers, like the liver and kidneys, that naturally filter out toxins and other unwanted waste. That doesn’t mean that you can’t help the process along, though. By increasing your water intake and reducing the amount of unhealthy things you expose your body to, you’re already on the right track. There are certain cleanses that might help as well, such as eating nothing but fruits and vegetables for a few days.

Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep – Getting enough sleep can work wonders for your skin. During your downtime, your body is still working to repair damaged cells, including skin cells. 6-8 hours of sleep every night has been shown to reduce stress, increase serotonin levels, and remove toxins from your brain, but did you know that while you sleep, blood flow is increased to your skin? This is why when you wake up after a good restful sleep, your skin has a healthy glow versus when you don’t get enough sleep and your complexion looks kind of sallow and ashen. Being sure to hit your target for sleep each night will improve the way your skin looks and feels.

Eat Healthy Food – Eating healthy food everyday can help cut those extra pounds, making you slimmer resulting in a more youthful appearance. Eating more fish instead of red meat, foods high in fiber like vegetables and fruits, and a daily vitamin or supplement, is important to keep your body running well and your skin healthy and young looking. Also, be sure to drink less coffee and other caffeine beverages.

Don’t Forget to Exercise – Regular exercise is essential for having more energy, confidence, and even feeling happier. There’s no question that exercising daily can help make our bodies look 15-20 years younger. It also can increase our bone density and improve muscle tone, so you can not only look younger, but feel younger too! You don’t have to go to the gym every day; any regular activity that increases your cardio can help improve your blood flow. Walking, swimming, and resistance training are great ways to exercise.

Learn How to Relax – Remember when your mom used to tell you to quit making faces or your face would stick like that? She wasn’t far off, since our biggest face concerns are usually worry-lines and stress lines. Managing stress and learning to relax can really help our faces to look younger and more attractive.

Take Care of Your Skin – One of the most important things you can do for your skin is t moisturize after showering. The hot water strips away all the natural oils and nutrients from your skin, leaving it parched and dry. The more exposed skin on your face, neck, and chest are very sensitive to environmental changes and they shed cells faster than the skin on the rest of your body. Because of this, those areas need a little extra moisture to repair itself, so the younger skin cells can rise to the surface. Also, by massaging lotions or moisturizers, you are helping stimulate blood circulation and new cell generation. Hemp Moisturizers like those from Diamond Hemp are great for introducing that moisture back into delicate areas of your skin. For an extra boost, you can also try and Anti aging Hemp Cream.

I can’t promise that you’re going to look twenty years younger overnight, but if you put the work in and follow these tips, they will help you maintain your skin and help you get back that radiant glow you had in your twenties.

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