The effectiveness of the HCG program

One hormone present inside your body can help you lose weight. If you do not believe this, you have to try the HCG diet. Many of us have spent long hours in the gym struggling to lose weight and many of us have also tried a number of different diets to lose weight but have always remained unsuccessful with the same. Losing weight is a long, stressful journey and there is a miracle drug which will help you get results in no time.

If you are determined to lose weight, you are on the right track. You no longer need to work out for long hours in the gym or take crash diets to lose the fat from your body. Take a natural hormone that is developed in your body and lose a lot of weight. We promise, it is not a few pounds but indeed a lot of weight you can lose. HCG diet has been named after the hormone and the craze is catching up. Many have managed to lose weight with this diet and vouch by the same.

What makes HCG popular?

When you go on a crash diet or an ultra low-calorie diet, you do lose a few pounds but it makes you feel weak and gives you fatigue. With the HCG diet, you do not feel hungry time and again, you do not feel weak and your metabolism increases. This means you can manage to lose as much as one pound in a day without even feeling weak or having hunger pangs. With an HCG diet, you will have to limit your intake to 500 calories in a day for eight weeks while taking HCG in the form of a drop or an injection. You can choose the manner in which you want to consumer HCG and can buy it at the store.

Keep in mind that it is not approved by the FDA for the purpose of weight loss. Buying the shots is legal if the healthcare provider gives them to you. However, buying HCG products over the counter is not legal. In your HCG diet, you will not be allowed to eat much. You can have two meals a day but the total calorie intake will be restricted to 500.

What can you eat?

Your meal should include one protein, one bread, one vegetable, and one fruit. You might want to stock up the chicken breast, beef, white fish, lobster or shrimp in your home. Always make it a point to stick to the diet. You cannot expect results if you are not committed to the diet. No dried or picked fish is allowed and no sugar is allowed. With regard to vegetables, you can include chard, spinach, chicory, tomatoes, green salad, beet greens, fennel, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, and asparagus. You can also consume one breadstick or one toast.

You can choose orange, apple, and strawberries for fruit. You can consume as much water, tea, and coffee as you like but do not have sugar in it. Even oil and butter is not allowed. There are a number of dishes you can cook using the limited approved foods. Try preparing different dishes every day so it does not feel like you are eating the same thing for the entire week. The best thing to do is to remove all the unapproved food from your kitchen. This will ensure that you never feel tempted to eat those foods. If there is nothing to cheat on, there is no chance to cheat. If you think that you might not be able to control the temptation, you need to empty your kitchen and refrigerator before you start the diet. Stock up on the items that you can eat and the ones that are approved for you.

High level of effort required

First and foremost, it is very hard to stick to the strict calorie limit. It might be uncomfortable to stick to the diet in the first few days and it can also be dangerous. You might also find it difficult to meet the nutritional needs with fewer calories. If you consume less than the minimum calories required in a day, it will become challenging for you to function. Some doctors could recommend a very low-calorie diet for those who are obese. Hence, in order to see the results, you will have to make all the effort to stick to the diet.

You might feel like giving up within the first few days but it is not a good idea. You will need to remain committed to the program and only think of the results. Imagine how you would feel when you lose weight. Set a target and see how close you are moving towards it. If you have a medical condition, you will have to ensure that your diet is prepared by a doctor and be very clear about the medication you take. Keep in mind that if you hide anything about your health from the doctor, you could end up falling sick. Julie Cambrie from says that you need to do a cleanse every 60 days from HCG to jump-start its effectiveness again. You need to watch your weight and ensure that you are not going back to where you started from.

Is it suitable for everyone?

The HCG program is not meant for everyone. It is suitable for individuals who want to lose weight but it does not mean anyone who wants to lose a couple of pounds can start this diet. Only individuals who want to lose a substantial amount of weight should try this program. It is best to consult a physician before embarking on this journey. If not, you could end up damaging your health. The physician will determine whether you need to lose weight or not based on different factors like your body mass index and your current health and physical condition. With persistence, you will achieve your results.

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