Adding a Touch of Nature to Your Kitchen

Designing the perfect kitchen can be a gargantuan task. The kitchen is generally regarded as the heart of any home - it is where we prepare our meals throughout the day and for some reason, it’s always where people seem to prefer to stand at parties. But many of us struggle when it comes to creating some sort of theme in our kitchens. The space tends to remain relatively minimal, as it is a functional space where you carry out tasks, and you can’t afford to have clutter or anything unnecessary lying about. Not to worry though. If you want a theme for your kitchen, why not settle with nature? It’s always good to incorporate a touch of the outside world into your home, and adding a touch of nature can prove functional and healthier in your kitchen. Here are a few steps that you can take to achieve this!

Choose Countertops Made of Natural Materials

There’s not a whole lot that you can personalise in your kitchen. But countertops are one aspect of this space that you can have a lot of choice over. Many properties use acrylic, polyester, or a combination of these two materials for their countertops, and some will use plastic laminate. However, more natural materials are more environmentally friendly, can prove less likely to stain, and also tend to look a whole lot nicer. Here are some to consider.

Natural Wood

Natural wood countertops are generally referred to as “butcher block” countertops. In the past, these experienced a dip in popularity due to the myth that wood could harbour all sorts of bacteria. However, a study conducted by microbiologists in 1993 found that wood is actually a hygienic material to use. They purposefully contaminated wooden chopping boards during tested and found that 99.9 percent of bacteria introduced to the boards died within three minutes of exposure to the wood’s surface. It is now generally agreed that wooden chopping boards are more resistant to bacteria than plastic ones, which has resulted in people determining that wooden work surfaces are also more hygienic. Natural wood countertops came back in and started experiencing increased demand! Sticking with a natural style, many homeowners add a mineral oil finish to their worktops!

Natural Stone

The most common natural stones that are used to create worktops include granite, soapstone, and slate. Each has its own benefits.

  • Granite - granite comes in a wide variety of colours, ranging from bright blues to different shades of brown, deep reds, and mottled white tones. While granite can stain, most manufacturers and suppliers treat their countertops with a sealant that helps to make the countertop stain resistant.

  • Soapstone - soapstone has a smaller variety of colours, so you have to make sure that it fits in with your colour scheme before settling on it. Generally, soapstone is a dark green-black colour. Like granite, soapstone is porous, so has to be treated to prevent staining.

  • Slate - slate, like soapstone, has a relatively limited colour range. It is most commonly black, but can also be found in green, red, grey, and purple. It is a cheaper option that you might want to consider.

However, quartz is experiencing a boost in popularity! Many homeowners have found that quartz countertop quality is unparalleled. It is less porous than the aforementioned natural stone options, so tends to be much more easily maintainable.

Incorporate a Houseplant or Two Into the Space

Houseplants have more than mere decorative value. They are often referred to as “nature’s life support system” and naturally cleanse the air, drawing out toxins and pollutants and converting carbon monoxide into oxygen. So, you should try to incorporate them into every room of your property possible. When choosing houseplants for the kitchen, consider non-flowering options that do not drop pollen. This will reduce the chance of contamination of any foodstuffs. Some popular options include Madagascar Jasmine, Winter Jasmine, African Spear, Goldfish Plant, Calamondin Orange, Purple Rubber Tree Plant, and Heartleaf Philodendron. Whatever plant you choose, make sure that it is non-toxic, especially if you have children or pets.

Grow Your Own Herbs

While you can grow herbs outdoors, your kitchen will generally provide the perfect space for growing herbs that you may intend to use in your cooking. They will be protected from the elements and local wildlife that might try to eat them before you do. All you need is a pot and to conduct a little research on the exact herbs that you intend to grow. You can then pick from them as and when you need when preparing delicious dishes. For herbs that need to be dried, you could consider creating a herb wreath, which will be both functional and decorative, adding a beautiful touch of nature to your kitchen space.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

The kitchen tends to be the most regularly and thoroughly cleaned space in any house. This is because we will often spill food stuffs in the area and will also have to clean up after each meal, which will generally mean cleaning at least three times a day. So why not use natural cleaning products? These can clean your space just as thoroughly as any artificial and chemical cleaners, but also has a less detrimental impact on the environment.

These are just a few different ways that you can add a touch of nature to your property’s interiors through your kitchen! Try to incorporate them into your home as soon as possible!

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