Having long, lustrous and gorgeous tresses, is like dream come true for every girl out there. Seeing those TV ads we invest in products after products, hoping to get a result soon. But the reality is a bit cruel. Understanding the root cause of our hair problems is the only way out of it. So let’s discuss the five common hair issues and their solutions.

Hair loss
There are many studies that suggest losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is a part of its natural growth cycle. But what if you see a bunch of countless hair strands every time you shower or comb? Or just running those fingers through your hair, is a shocker? Then you are facing the clear signs of hair loss. There are many reasons that can cause hair loss. It could be genetic, hormonal, over- styling, nutritional deficiency, stress, underlying disease or simply the natural process of aging. But, worry not.
A common cause of hair fall is the hormonal imbalance. An increase in the androgens (male hormones) could shorten the hair growth cycle, causing a major hair loss. Also iron, vitamin D, B-12 deficiency or thyroid imbalance can take its toll not only your body but also on your beautiful tresses.
Check with your physician for a proper and the right solution. Another cause of hair loss is the amount of destructive styling we do to enhance our looks. Be it the intense heat from your straightener/curl iron or the harsh chemicals of your styling gel, all of these directly affects your hair follicles, thus causing breakage and hair fall. Avoid over-styling to keep hair fall at bay. Also keeping our minds stress-free is really important for healthy tresses.
Grey hair
There are millions of hair follicles in one’s body that are responsible for hair growth and hair color. When these follicles tend to lose their color or pigment cells due to aging or other factors, it results in grey hair. While graying of hair is mostly due to aging or genetic, there are other reasons too that cause premature graying. One of which is the deficiency of vitamin D, vitamin B-12, B-6, vitamin E, or biotin. With proper supplements, this can be cured to a certain extent.
Another reason for graying includes, oxidative stress, which is caused by the imbalance between the free radicals and the antioxidants in our bodies. The free radicals tend to damage the cells, contributing to aging and thus causing graying. A balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, green tea etc, rich in antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress. The other factors causing white hair are certain autoimmune diseases, stress, smoking and using chemical dyes and products. With proper diagnosis and treatment, even reversing the graying process is sometimes possible to an extent. A change in lifestyle and adding nutritious food to your diet can slow down the aging process.
Also, check out this hair product that can successfully reverse hair graying process and promote regrowth of your hair.
Itchy and flaky scalp
Dandruff, a common yet embarrassing hair problem that we face more than once in our lifetime. We usually think that an improper hygiene habit is the main reason for an itchy and flaky scalp. But there are other prevailing reasons too, such as using SLS and silicon-containing shampoos and conditioners, under-moisturized scalp, lack of healthy fats in our diet and other underlying diseases.
Investing in a good chemical free shampoo and conditioners could avoid drying of the scalp and thus reducing flaking of the skin. Try not to suffocate the scalp with too many styling products. A plenty of moisturizing and oiling can soothe the scratchy scalp. Also including healthy fats and oils in our diet could bring a commendable difference in our scalp health. Certain autoimmune conditions like psoriasis can cause extreme flaking and dryness of our scalp. Seeking a professional advice is the best remedy for such conditions.
Frizzy and unmanageable hair
A frizzy hair is a result of extremely dry hair. The only solution to this problem is proper moisturizing of your hair. Give your tresses some love by weekly moisturizing it with a home-made mask or store-bought organic masks. Oiling your hair is a great way to restore its natural hair oils. With the use of smoothing serums/creams and leave-in-conditioners, it is easily possible to tame frizz. Also incorporating a hydrating shampoo and conditioner to your hair care routine could bring a huge difference to your hair structure.
Restrain yourself from using the hot tools like hair dryers and straighteners. It is always best to air dry your hair after applying a chemical-free moisturizing hair cream. And lastly, before retiring to bed, loosely braid your hair and use a satin pillowcase to avoid tangling of your tresses.
Poor hair growth
If you are affected by any of the above-given hair problems, then it can cause a direct effect on your hair growth. So treat at the root cause and steer clear of these problems to boost your overall hair health. The three phases of our hair growth cycle are; anagen (hair growth), catagen (hair renewal), and telogen (hair fall). The longer the anagen phase, the longer the hair will be. Some genetically unfortunate individuals have very short anagen phase that results in poor hair growth. Nothing much can be done regarding this, other than to make sure it does not shorten even further by keeping a balanced diet. Get your hair trimmed every four to six weeks to ensure less breakage from split ends and thus promoting a good hair growth.
Aging and genetic factors prove to be the major hair setback, which is irrevocable and inevitable. But the hair problem caused by the other given factors can be controlled to some extent by some lifestyle changes and a nutritional diet.
Make use of these tips that are tried and tested. Stay happy and stress-free and make each hair flip fabulously!
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