“All disease begins in the gut”, said the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is the father of medicine. This means the health of a person’s mind and body depends on how healthy his/her gut is. The health of your gut depends on the presence of the microbes or good bacteria in your gut. You need to have a good amount of bacteria that are friendly inside your gut to stay healthy.
How can you increase the number of microbes through the intake of food? Fermented foods like curds, yogurt, different kinds of pickles and fermented drinks have been part of the regular diet in many of the cultures all over the world. Bacteria were used to ferment food as a means of preserving it. But over the years people came to understand the health benefits associated with consuming good bacteria.
The process of fermentation releases probiotic bacteria that aid proper digestion when you consume it. Colonising friendly microbes in your gut through the consumption of fermented foods reduce the number of toxic organisms that negatively affect our health. You can easily prepare these fermented foods at home by mixing a small portion of bacterial culture with a food base or you can purchase them at a store for health food.
Some of the most popular fermented health foods include kombucha, kefir, yogurt, apple cider vinegar with ‘mother’, kimchi, and different kinds of pickles. What are some of the health benefits associated with consuming fermented foods?
Fermented foods are loaded with B vitamins
Besides being loaded with healthy microbes, fermented foods are also rich in B vitamins such as B12, B2, and B6. These vitamins are known to increase a person’s energy levels and helps in overcoming stress and related issues. Including fermented foods as a part of your daily diet would help you experience better levels of energy and combating stress and anxiety would become much simpler.
The number of toxins and pollutants that get absorbed into our body every single day are innumerable. This century has seen an increase in the different kinds of diseases especially the ones that are terminal and most of which are the result of pollution and toxification. These toxins could be present in the atmosphere, water, food and sometimes could even result from the metabolic functioning of our body.
To lead a healthy life these toxins needs to be released from our bodies regularly and it is the liver that does this function. Most people don’t realize how many health benefits they can gain from a liver detox. Fermented foods are known to have the capability of removing different kinds of metals that are toxic to your body. They are the powerful detoxifiers that use probiotics to get rid of toxic metals like arsenal, mercury, and lead through excretions. Fermented foods can boost the natural process of detoxification done by the liver and can improve estrogen metabolism.
Increased amounts of gut flora
Gut flora refers to the bacteria and other microbes that live within the intestines. They are responsible for the production of certain vitamins including biotins and Vitamin K. Gut flora also helps in the process of digestion. With an increase in the gut flora the process of digestion becomes stronger and getting rid of toxic waste through your bowels is made much easier. Cleansing your body inside out keeps you healthy and fit.
Microbes boost your immune system
The presence of harmful bacteria could cause undigested food particles to spread within your body which is referred to as the leaky gut syndrome. This could trigger autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's disease, type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Consumption of fermented food on a regular basis increases the number of good bacteria which is extremely beneficial for your gastrointestinal health. This, in turn, boosts up your immune system and helps you stay healthy.
Fermented foods are rich in minerals and are more nourishing
The process of fermentation helps in breaking down the cellulose structure of the vegetables increasing the mineral density and making it more nourishing. Fermentation causes the breaking up of proteins in the food making it easily digestible.
Clarity in thought and sharpness of mind
Problems within the digestive system usually disrupt the proper functioning of your brain. The probiotics in fermented food help in the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal systems which in turn causes your mind to work smartly and be sharp. Your thoughts are much clearer too.
Rich in antioxidants
Just like colorful vegetables, greens and freshly picked berries fermented foods are also a great source of antioxidants. Adding ferments to your regular diet will help to fight diseases, stops aging prematurely, also prevents damages caused by oxidative stress like the Parkinson's disease, different types of cancers, heart disorders, chronic fatigue, and inflammatory diseases. The process of fermentation helps to increase the content of antioxidants in the food. Kombucha, a fermented tea drink, contains the antioxidant Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is known to have benefits that are powerful.
Glowing skin
The regular use of fermented foods in your diet increases the good microbes in your body. The presence of harmful bacteria and the levels of toxins are reduced by the good microbes and your body can function smoothly. The healing and repairing of connective tissues are also made possible by these microbes. Chronic skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, and acne can be fixed by the consumption of fermented foods on a daily basis. The result would be a beautiful skin that radiates a glow.
Helps to lose weight
Using fermented foods on your regular diet helps to stabilize the levels of blood sugar. Increased levels of insulin are released steadily and evenly which helps in breaking down the fat in your body. Use of fermented foods and drinks also helps in balancing your appetite making you feel full. This can prevent you from craving for more food and will help you lose weight steadily.
Incorporating fermented food with your regular diet is the best way to get those good microbes inside your body. Their presence will ensure you a healthy gut which is essential for the healthy functioning of your mind and body.
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