Dishwasing Tips and Cascade House Party

This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Cascade. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

Cascade Party #2 has come and gone and now I finally have a chance to sit and write about it. There's something kind of awesome about throwing a party where everyone is excited to clean up after themselves!

For this party, I made some delicious french toast, courtesy of The Food Network and Alton Brown (love him!) and to be honest? My kitchen was a disaster area.  While I was cooking, I gave everyone some orange juice in fancy glasses - that's right, we broke out the stemware for this one.  

Now the french toast was simple to make, but left a pie pan, mixing bowl, saute pan, and cookie sheet dirty.  Plus the plates - of course everyone wanted syrup on their french toast but it leaves such a sticky mess on plates!

That was ok though, because we had Cascade Platinum Power Pacs on our side.  After everyone was finished eating, I showed them how to load a dishwasher for maximum results.

- Stemware on top, between tines (instead of over them) to reduce wet contact points
- No pre-washing. Leave the gunk on the plates and let it go
- Extra soiled items should go near the sprayers

Of course, I had some objections to skipping the pre-wash but I told them to just wait and see.  While the dishwasher was running, we talked about the rules of dishwasher dish washing:

Skip the pre-wash, people! Ah,­the ­joys ­of­ cleaning­ dishes!­We­ all­ have­ them and­ we­ all ­want­ them­immaculately ­clean, ­quickly­ and ­easily ,­so­ we ­invest­ valuable ­time­ pre-washing­ each ­dish ­before­loading­ it­ in ­the ­dishwasher,­ right?  ­WRONG!  ­Pre-washing ­actually­ hinders ­our ­chances ­of
 achieving­ immaculately­ clean­ dishes!­

It’s­ true!  ­Cascade­ Platinum ­is ­specifically ­designed to ­work ­best ­when­ food­ is ­left ­ON­ dishes. ­Why?because ­the ­enzymes­ in ­Cascade ­Platinum­ are ­designed ­to ­attach­ themselves ­to ­food ­particles breaking­ them ­down ­so that they can­ be easily ­­­­washed­ away ­- ­even ­24-hour ­stuck-on­ food! No ­food­ means ­the­ enzymes ­have ­nothing­ to latch ­on­to.­

Just see how clean our stemware came out of the dishwasher; no water spots!

You can check out Cascade for yourself here.  You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook!

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