My baby girl has sensitive skin. When you think about it though, don't most babies? Sure, most children probably don't break out in rashes from normal every day products, or get hives from "histamine overload" like mine do, but even without allergies a mom still worries about what their babies come in contact with. Their skin shouldn't be exposed to harsh elements or chemicals, so why would you bathe them in things that may be harmful? That's why I was happy to review Baby Mantra's line of organic baby products.

We're talking about all-natural, allergy tested, toxin-free bath products that will not only put your mind at ease, but they are great products in general. My little ones are a bit older than "newborn": 18 months and almost 4. The Newborn Shampoo + Body Wash was the first thing I tried, and on spaghetti night. The 18 month old has really fair skin and spaghetti sauce usually stains her hands (the knuckles and between her fingers) since, well, toddlers are allergic to forks you know. As soon as we were done eating, I gave her a bath and the coconut and olive oil combination worked really well getting her clean. It's a different smell for a baby product - not bad, but different. The light scent of coconut smelled cleaner than I thought it would, and the soap itself rinsed off well.
Since she was already in the tub,and playing happily, I decided to try out the bubble bath as well.
Although the 3-in-1 bubble bath is also a shampoo and body wash, it didn't leaver her skin dry or anything like that. She was super happy to see how well it made bubbles, and I was glad that it rinsed off easily.
I was much happier with the smell of the bubble bath; the lavender oil and aloe had a calm and natural scent that left her smelling like a clean baby.
After her bath, I rubbed her down with the calming lotion (lotion is always part of our bedtime routine) and it didn't take long before she was all snuggled up and sleepy.
If you visit their website, they have a page dedicated to all of their ingredients - Lavender, Avocado, Coconut, Apricot, Shea Butter... For a minute I thought I was on an organic food site! Everything they use in their baby products is completely natural and allergy tested - to make sure your baby's skin is getting the best care.
Baby Mantra Products are available at select Walgreens/Duane Reade stores nationwide,,, and
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