This is post is part of a sponsored campaign with Beech-Nut and MomSelect. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I try to feed my little people the healthiest foods possible, avoiding unnecessary ingredients and looking for the most natural foods I can find. Beech-Nut understands that mission, and has brought out a whole new line of organic, natural baby food.
Their motto? This is not baby food. This is real food for babies.

Just opening the box had me impressed already - they really know how to get their message across. Just look at this beautiful wooden box that our samples came in:

Kaya was excited to see the bright colored foods - looking just how they should! We received four different flavors: just spinach, zucchini & pears; just carrots; beets, pear & pomegranate; and just honeycrisp apples. They looked good enough for me to want to try them too!

And try them I did. The carrots were simply that: carrots. Nothing more. They had a sweet, natural flavor - just like homemade. Seriously, the ingredients are simple and straightforward - no added water, no added flavors... nothing but carrots.

I'll tell ya, Kaya loved them. I knew she liked carrots before, but never like this. See for yourself:
The other flavors we tried were just as delicious, and Kaya has loved the authentic flavors and new foods!
40 new flavors of homemade inspired food for babies, Beech-Nut has really outdone themselves this time.
So how do they do it?
Beech-Nut uses a method they call just gentle cooking™ to bring your baby the highest quality ingredients and the best taste. First, they pick only the best fruits and veggies - staying as close to home as possible. Then they cold puree the food - they create a puree from raw fruits and vegetables instead of
cooking them first in order to avoid cooking nutrients away. Next, they use deaeration to remove all of the air from their products so they can bring the best nutrients, color, and texture without any added preservatives. When cooking the baby food, they use indirect heat similar to a double-boiler so they can continue to avoiding losing nutrients. Last, everything is bottled in BPA-free glass jars.
They spend that extra time making sure that their food is perfect for babies - so you don't have to!

Kaya approves, and I am happy to feed her Beech-Nut's healthy homemade food for babies!

Disclaimer: I received the aforementioned products in exchange for a review. This has no way altered my impression of Beech-Nut's products, and all opinions are completely honest and 100% my own.
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