10 Simple Ways to Trick your Kids on April Fools Day

It's April Fool's Day!  Why not start off your morning with a little bit of humor?  I've thrown together my top ten favorite April Fool's Day pranks to play on your kids - if they don't prank you first!

1.  Before they wake up, move them into another bed.  This works best if you have more than one kid
2.  Switch two bags of cereal in their boxes.
3.  Add a couple drops of food dye to the bottom of their cereal bowl, so the color changes when they pour their milk in.
4.  Give them a glass  of juice that is Jello instead.
5.  Take the batteries out of the remote.
6.  If you have a teenager with a smartphone, go into their settings and change the language.
7.  There's always the classic "short-sleeved" trick:  Sew one of their sleeves half-way down so their arm gets stuck when they're getting dressed.  Also works for pants and socks.
8.  Stuff the toes of their shoes with paper - they'll wonder why their shoes don't fit.
9.  Make a grilled cheese cake - Use pound cake for bread slices and dye vanilla frosting with orange food coloring.  Enjoy the look on their faces when they ask for dessert and get a sandwich instead.
10.  While they're at school, rearrange the furniture.  When they come home, they'll wonder if they have the right house!

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