Easy Roasted Asparagus Recipe {Guest Post}

I have another great guest post recipe for you guys today, coming from Becky over at Midwest Cornfed Mom!

About Becky:   I spend my days juggling my job as a Public Health nurse, a wife, and mom of two boys at home. I love to run and blog in my free time, but mostly I enjoy spending time with my family. Over at my blog, I write about parenting, cloth diapers, "paleo" food, and life in general!

Roasted Asparagus Recipe

Since Spring is finally starting to peek it's head out and say "Hello!", I've decided to share a recipe with you all that is a favorite in my house. We love to grill and do most of our cooking on the grill from February to November.  This recipe is so simple and quick that we have it at least once a week.  Even my husband who doesn't eat many vegetables will eat this!

Fresh Asparagus Spears (Skinny spears work best)
Olive Oil
Black Pepper
Season Salt

Rinse the asparagus and cut the bottom 1/2 inch off.
Place spears in a bowl and toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 tsp. black pepper, and season salt to taste. After coating all pieces, place in a grill basket and grill over low-medium heat for 3-5 minutes.
Turn spears over, and grill another 3-5 minutes.
Remove from heat, serve with your favorite main entree and enjoy!

These go well with pork chops or steaks on the grill!