So You Want Another Baby, Have You Thought About These Things?

Having a baby is a big deal for any couple. It can change you as a person, allow you to feel and experience love like no other, and it can certainly have an impact on your lifestyle. But making the decision to start a family can seem much easier than the decision you make to add to it. There seem to be much more practical things to consider, and I thought I would share with you what some of them in case you are in this situation yourself.

Did you keep all of the old baby things?

Babies need things, am I right? So you may want to start digging through all of those boxes and items in your attic or basement and work out exactly what you kept and perhaps what you might need to buy again. It is good to do this ahead of time as it can help you factor in those costs when it comes to new purchases you will make over the pregnancy and in those early days.

Is your car big enough?

The next thing to think about would be your car and how you plan on getting around when a new baby comes along. This can be another expense you may have to consider. A baby needs a car seat, and of course, it isn’t just them as you will also need space for a pram and baby bag. If you are thinking that a new car is on the horizon then checking out websites like could be worthwhile. Helping you to work out what your purchase options are and what monthly budget you may have. A good idea would be to look at different makes and models to find the right vehicle for you.

Will you have enough space in your home?

Is your home big enough? It isn’t just about the bedrooms you have more to do with the space you have, even in places like the kitchen and living rooms, and also the bathroom situation. It might be that another baby could mean more investment into your home in the way of extensions, or perhaps even deciding to move home once and for all.

Will you need to leave work?

Most new mothers who work take on some form of maternity leave in those early days, but when you go back to work entirely depends on you. However, your financial situation could be a deciding factor in that decision. Some decide that going back to work may not even be worth it, due to the addition of childcare costs perhaps. It is definitely something to think about.

Is there other impacts on family life you need to consider?

Finally, you may also need to think about some of the other areas that a new baby may impact your life. Financially there could be additional costs in some of your everyday spendings like food and clothes. Emotionally you need to factor in how you will feel during pregnancy and those newborn days, as well as needing to manage a family. It is an exciting decision to make, but one you need to be wholeheartedly on board with.

I hope that this has promoted you to think about the other things involved in having another baby.