Taking care of childcare, work schedules and household chores can really drain the energy out of you, so when date night comes around it can be difficult to feel as much enthusiasm as you should, or even to stay awake through the whole thing. That’s why I’ve put together a list of date night ideas that are perfect for tired parents everywhere...
Movie Night
It might be a bit of a cliche in dating terms, but there’s no denying that watching a good movie with the other half is a great way to spend a low-key evening, Best of all you can make the decision whether to go out to the movies or stay home on the couch depending on how energetic you feel,. Best of all there’ll be no waiters, no interruptions - nothing to get in the way of you just being together.
Escape Rooms
Escape rooms might not seem like the best way to spend a date night when you’re feeling tired, but if you have the energy to head out to the escape room, once you'll there you’ll feel so refreshed as you get your brain working on something other than syncing your schedules or reading The Cat in the Hat again, and most escape room experiences only last an hour, so including travel, you can usually be there and back in a couple of hours, which is great if you can’t leave the kids for too long.
Hit the Coffee Shop
It might not be the most exciting venue for a date, but when you’re feeling worn out, there’s nothing like taking time out with a nice hot cup of coffee in quiet surroundings to perk you up. Scout out the local coffee shops to find the most intimate one possible, find a quiet corner table and just talk - you’ll enjoy it so much more than a noisy bar where you can’t even hear yourself think.
Have a Couples Massage
Date nights don’t get more relaxing than lying down in a candlelit spa room while experts untie all of those knots that have formed in your muscles over the course of the week. What more do I need to say?
Go Out for Brunch
You’re less likely to be tired if you move date night to the morning. Schedule in a play date for the kids, so you have some time to yourself and head off to the best restaurant serving brunch you can find. Treat yourself to Bucks Fizz, order a mountain of food and have some fun chatting about nothing too serious as you sample the delights before you.
Do Your First Date Over
Again, depending on what your first date was, you might not think that it’s appropriate for two tired parents, but I can guarantee you that the second you get to the scene of that magical first date, all of the years and all the fatigue will fall away and you’ll feel as energetic as a teenager again - even if you weren’t one when you first met. Eat the same food, have the same conversations, kiss at the exact same moment and you’ll have an amazing time.
Do you have any more great ideas for tired-parent date nights?
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