The Toddler Years: How To Survive

Life can seem pretty easy once you’ve mastered the baby stage but before you’ve had time to cherish this moment, along come the terrible twos. As babies become toddlers, they begin to push the boundaries like never before. They’re walking, starting to use words and leave no stone unturned when they start to explore. You can begin to feel like you’ll never have five minutes to sit down as they try to climb the stairs or get through those supposedly childproof baby gates. But that aside, the toddler years also offer some of the most rewarding experiences including their first words, their first steps and developing their unique personalities.

If you’re looking for some support through this stage, take a look at these handy tips to make living with a toddler a breeze.

Be prepared to tidy every day

As soon as you think your house is tidy, you’ll find another heap of toys being emptied onto the floor. Embrace the fact toddlers are going to be messy and use this time to teach them some soft rules about putting things away could help them in their later years. Most of the time, you’ll have to watch your toes on toy cars or building blocks, as they love to leave them where you least expect them.

Watch out for silence

Although you may be craving some peace and quiet, silence is something that as a parent you’ll dread. Most of the time whatever they are doing will be harmless but be prepared to brace yourself as you enter the room.

Don’t be afraid to use the word ‘no’

As they look at you with those butter wouldn’t melt eyes, it can be challenging to say no. But, learning to use this word in a firm but fair way will ensure they know the boundaries from the outset.

Learn to love messy play

There’s nothing better than watching tiny tots having a great time at playing. Getting involved in their activities is also the perfect way to bond and create memories. Messy games are often the best kind because they can begin to explore new textures and feelings while creating their pieces of artwork. The only trouble with this playtime is that it can get everywhere including your carpets. No matter how hard to try to make every space mess proof, little mishaps do happen. If you need a helping hand getting marks out of the carpet, try some non-toxic cleaning solutions or hire the experts at My Technicare to assist with stubborn stains on your carpet.

Move ornaments that are in grabbing reach

As they start to explore the house, anything that is on their level has the potential to fall into their hands. By moving valuables higher will help to stop those little fingers from reaching them.

How you react to their behavior also offers a way to appease any situation that crops up. By keeping calm, you’ll be able to ride out any toddler shenanigans with ease.

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