Temperature fluctuations in a home are not only uncomfortable, they are also very expensive. When the weather is going through crazy temperature swings, you may find that your house goes from hot to cold along with the temperature. Our homes are used to escape the sweltering sun of the frigid wind, so the last thing we want is for those homes to start feeling just like the outside weather they’re supposed to protect us from!
To keep the temperature in your home steady without looking into a whole new heating or cooling system, check out these five tips!
If you used forced air heat, you’ll want to regularly have a quick look around your house to check all the air vents. Sometimes, furniture may have been pushed in front of the vent, blocking it from working properly, other times there could be toys, curtains or pillows piled on top of the vent. Even a build-up of dust and pet hair can cause issues with vents blowing correctly.
You can also have accidentally pushed your vent to ‘close’. While this won’t stop all the airflow, it certainly won’t help keep your home toasty!
There’s nothing like stepping into a cool, climate-controlled space after a long, hot day in the sun. However, you might not get to enjoy that pleasure if your AC is often spitting warm or lukewarm air, failing to turn on, or leaking.
Like every important feature in your home, take some time to give your AC a bit of love by bringing in a professional who does air conditioning repair in Oshawa to maintain your AC unit and complete any repairs it may require.
You have routines, and now your thermostat can too! Using a smart thermostat can save you loads of money by removing human error from the equation. The device will learn your preferences and your routines so that the house will be warm (or cool) in the evening when you get home, without having to spend your money running climate control all day so that you don’t have to freeze (or cook) waiting for it turn on when you get home.
This is a handy little tip if you rent or live in an older home. Older windows don’t have the same energy efficiency ratings as new windows. They often leak and allow cold air to seep into your home—and warm air to seep out! Stop this by happening by using a clear plastic window kit that allows you to seal the interior of your home with a sheet of plastic and a hairdryer. Keep in mind, once on the plastic can’t be removed without getting destroyed, so make sure you’re ready to commit until the spring!
Heavy curtains may seem like they would only serve to keep heat in, but they can also very efficiently keep heat out. Specially designed curtains with thick backings can help keep the chill at bay or keep your air-conditioned air in.
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