Declutter and Update Your Child's Closet - Free Checklist and Tips for Donation

Twice a year when the weather shifts we do a major decluttering of the children’s closets and bedroom dressers. We clear out unnecessary items to make room for the next size up. And then we head over to our nearest Goodwill to fill the gaps we identified when we are there dropping off our donations. Find your nearest Goodwill store here and then work through this decluttering checklist for some ideas on what you need, and don’t need.

Shirts - Your child needs play shirts and dressy shirts but check his stash after you check the fit. If you guys get dressed up for church once a week you don’t need a dozen shirts, maybe just 4 or 5 instead. Pick out the ones that fit great and look marvelous and put the rest in a box to be donated. If you find you don’t have enough of a specific type of shirt (did he seriously outgrow EVERY sweater over the summer months?) then make a note of that in your shopping list.

Pants and Shorts - You need at least a week’s worth of bottoms for your kiddos depending on how often you do laundry. We tend to do one nice dress pair of slacks in black, brown, and khaki and a handful of jeans and sweats for play.

Socks - This is the time of year I take the opportunity to toss any unmatched odd socks from our collection. No need to hang onto them if their mate has long-since run away.

Shoes - Check the fit and status of all the shoes your kids have. If they’ve outgrown a pair, add them to the donation box. Each child needs a pair of play shoes and a pair of dress shoes at the minimum. Make note of any gaps on your shopping list.

Books - Have your kids outgrown a level of readers or books and are no longer interested in them? Pass them along to another child who will enjoy using them!

Toys and Games - My kids love puzzles but once they’ve built them one-time they are usually ready to try another puzzle. Ditto with board games that have been outgrown and are no longer being played. It’s nice to donate these no-longer-used toys and games to benefit another family who is ready for that age level, and you’ll clear out space for incoming gifts at the same time!

Under the Bed - Every parent’s nightmare area of the bedroom...under the bed. Turn this clutter-catching space into your best friend by adding some totes or bins to hold the seasonal clothes not currently being used, or extra sets of sheets for quicker bed changes. Goodwill has a huge variety of storage solutions at huge savings to help you simplify your life.

Donating your children’s clothes, toys, and books to your local Goodwill is a great way to not only keep your kids’ bedrooms cleaner and more organized, but you’re actually helping to create more jobs and on-the-job training opportunities in your local community! Find your nearest Goodwill store using this handy locator, and then take your shopping list and see what you can pick up.

You can shop with confidence because you are shopping for a cause! For every dollar you spend at Goodwill 87 cents stays in your local community to help create jobs for those who would have difficulty finding employment. Declutter your kids’ room in preparation for holiday gift-giving season, and then #ShopGoodwill for fabulous organizational finds on a family-friendly budget.

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