Advice For Putting Yourself First As A Busy Parent

There’s no denying that parenting takes up a lot of your time. It’s a hectic commitment that truly never ends. This can make it difficult for you to attend to your own needs, while managing and caring for a family.

The trouble starts when you begin to push your self-care aside for other people and activities. It’s important to know when you’re overdoing it and how to stop stress in its tracks. Be in tune with yourself and rely on cues from your mind and body to tell you when you’re at your breaking point. Learn how to start putting your needs first and experience a happier you.

Take Care of your Health Issues

It’s time to stop pushing your health issues aside because you’re too busy. For example, if you’re suffering from chronic pain then you should start talking to your doctor and taking his or her suggestion to get it resolved seriously. The pain is likely making you feel irritable and out of whack. Click here to learn all about nerve ablation and why this procedure may be the solution for you. 

Get up Early to Tackle the Day

Go to bed early so you can get up and seize the day. Waking up before the rest of the family gives you an opportunity to attend to your most important responsibilities and tasks right away. It’ll also provide you some quiet time before the rest of the household wakes up. Another option is to stay up later, but remember that it’s healthier for you to get a proper night’s sleep and wake up at a decent hour. You’ll be glad you did once everyone is up and making noise. 

Set Boundaries 

You have to learn to set boundaries if you’re going to put yourself first. Do this when you’re at work and home. Be vocal and say no or speak up when what you’re being asked to do is too much. Invite your spouse and kids to help out at home and delegate like you do at work. Stop volunteering to do it all and take on all the extra work around you. Be kind to yourself and understand that you have limits too.

Schedule Alone Time

If you’re finding it difficult to get alone time in your life then it’s up to you to schedule it. Put it in your calendar and secure a babysitter, or have your spouse take over while you’re relaxing. Use this time to do what makes you happy. Go for a run, read a book or relax on the patio. The most important part is to realize you need this time to feel energized and refreshed. Never sacrifice your alone time once you have a place for it in your calendar. 


Parenting isn’t easy and that’s why you have to be smart about how you use your time. Put yourself first and you’ll be able to better care for others. The healthier you feel, the happier you and everyone else will be.

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