Four Popular Natural Therapies for Dealing with Chronic Pain

Suffering from chronic pain is never a nice experience. Chronic pain can be brought on by several different reasons, including historic injuries or conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. If you suffer from chronic pain, then you might be forgiven for thinking that you must choose between either taking medication, or try to deal with it on your own. However, more and more doctors are turning to prescribing more natural methods of pain relief to help their patients deal with chronic pain. In fact, this condition is quickly becoming one of the main reasons why an increasing number of Americans are turning to alternative medicine. If you are currently struggling with chronic pain, here are some of the top natural methods for getting relief. 

#1. Hemp and CBD:

Since medical marijuana was made legal in several states, more and more people are exploring the benefits of using it for chronic pain. However, if you don’t want to get the ‘head high’ that comes with taking medical marijuana, then you might be wondering if there is a similar alternative to turn to. The good news is that you are in luck – CBD oil and hemp oil are derived from the marijuana plant and provide a number of health benefits without the side effects of getting high. Vaping with Cloud 9 Hemp oil can provide pain relief and promote relaxation while allowing you to get on with your day easily. 

#2. Massage:

A relaxing massage is always an enjoyable experience, but for those who are suffering from chronic pain, it can be a great method of pain relief. Massage promotes full body relaxation and helps to relieve tension, soothing painful joints and muscles while helping you to cope with the stress and anxiety that comes with suffering from chronic pain daily. Massage has been proven to give your body’s levels of serotonin and endorphin a boost; these are well-known as natural painkillers and mood regulators. In addition, patients with conditions that cause inflammation can benefit from massage therapy, since it can work at the molecular level by turning off the genes associated with inflammation. 

#3. Acupuncture:

In recent times, acupuncture has become an increasingly more popular method of treatment for those suffering from chronic pain. It is an ancient practice that is popular in Chinese medicine, using tiny needles which are inserted into specific pressure points in the body, to correct imbalances, known as qi and chi. Although there is currently little scientific evidence to back up the effectiveness of acupuncture, this hasn’t stopped many patients from giving it a go and reporting excellent results.

#4. Meditation:

Another ancient practice with deep roots in Buddhism, meditation has seen a surge in the West in recent times. Although it is mainly used to help patients cope with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, meditation can also be used to relieve chronic pain with excellent results. Meditation requires deep, controlled breathing, which in turn helps patients to mentally deal with chronic pain by promoting relaxation, which increases the production of serotonin and endorphins in the body to provide pain and stress relief. 

Have you tried any natural therapies for dealing with chronic pain? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.