When you become a parent, it can be a tricky decision as to what to do with work. When you have got children to think about, you need to weigh up your options. The cost of childcare can be high, so for many, they will be working out if it is worth their while. Many like to go back part-time, to get a bit of both worlds. Some love their job and want to return to it. Other people make the decision to be a stay-at-home parent. A lot of people nowadays are turning to jobs that they can do from home. Then they can work their routine around their children. It might mean some early mornings or late nights to get the work done, but its flexibility is what is appealing. So here are some ideas for you, if you are looking to add an extra income to your home. The great thing about all of these is that they are completely flexible. So you can pick what suits you and put as much into it as you need or are able to.
Selling Online
To start with, you could sell some of your belongings online. It can get you into the routine of how things work. You could use online auction sites, or by using selling groups online and social media. From there, you could assess if you’d be able to sell for other people. It can be a hassle to take photographs of everything, reply to questions, and mail everything out. So people are willing to pay for others to do it for them. You would just get a percentage of the sale. It is a simple job that is pretty flexible around your family. You can even just use your phone for the listing and monitoring. So ask around friends and family. From there you could advertise and speak to people on social media that might be interested in your service. It is a job that is dependent on what you put into it. A lot of effort could mean a lot of money.
Matched Betting
If you haven’t heard about matched betting, then where have you been? It is an easy way to add hundreds, yes hundreds, of dollars to your income each month. Basically, it is safe online betting. The word safe means that it isn’t really gambling. It is a technique used by people to gain money from free bets and offers set by bookmakers or betting sites. As a rule, it is considered risk-free. This is because it isn’t based on chance. But rather a mathematical equation. You would need to manage your finances carefully and use reputable websites. But with a bit of practice and know-how, you could be making a lot of money in no time.
Invest in Stocks and Shares
Not everyone is up to scratch when it comes to stocks and shares. But like matched betting, it can make you a lot of money. It won’t be a way to get money fast. But over time, it can pay off. So if you feel like you’ve got some time to look into it, it might be worth your while. You need to invest in stocks or shares in different brands or companies. Then depending on how well they do, your stock or share value will go up or down. So you want to choose a company that is doing well in the first place.
You will also want to sell at the right time. The time you sell is when you get your payout. Sometimes your shares might dip a little and people panic and sell. It might mean they just get their money back or perhaps lose a little. But it is knowing how to wait it out and spot trends in the market. Then you can hold on for a greater reward. If you think you’d like to get into this, then as has been mentioned, it is worth doing some research. You could find out from Money Morning some of the best stocks to buy. You could also make a ‘pretend’ investment to start with. You could imagine you are investing a certain amount. Then over a few weeks or months, you could check how it would have done. Would you have lost money, stayed the same, or gained a lot of money? There are lots of sites and tools online that could help you check this. The reward can be great, but it can be a little risky. So make sure you are up to scratch with your knowledge and research.
Use Cashback Websites
When you’ve got a baby, you might choose to shop online more than ever. One great thing to do when you do shop online is to register with a cashback website. Then before you buy anything, you can check on the rates that you’ll get through the website. You browse the cashback website for what offers they have. Say you need to buy a new laptop computer, you’d look for department stores or somewhere like Best Buy. Then check what you’d get back when you click through from that site. You will pay the full price that the website says. But once the transaction has been processed, you will have the money waiting for you in your account. You can then just withdraw it to a bank account. A site like Quidco could be a good place to start if you’re interested in shopping with cashback. Why not get some money back for the things that you want to buy anyway?
Blogging and Social Media
These days I’m sure most people know someone who writes a blog. It might seem like the internet is overcrowded with them, but there is room for everyone. It can be a great way to document your child’s life, and even better if you can make some money from it. If you want to make money from your site, then it is best to set up a blog through Blogger, or by using a self-hosted Wordpress site. In the Wordpress terms and conditions, you can’t earn money when you use their free platform. So if you don’t want it to cost you anything up front, then I’d use the Blogger platform to start with. It is generally easier to navigate if you are a beginner. You could always try your hand at vlogging on YouTube too. Payments for collaborations on there tend to be much higher than blogging.
You could also look into making money through social media. A lot of companies and brands outsource their social media management as it can be time-consuming for them to do themselves. So you could work as a freelance social media manager. There are agencies that you could find the work through. Or you could contact companies directly. If you have worked in social media or a PR and marketing type of field before, then you’d definitely have some relevant experience.
If the idea of your own blog doesn’t appeal but you’d find writing interesting, then copywriting could be for you. There are agencies online that you can apply through. This is a quick way to get into it. The great thing about copywriting is that you can do as much or as little as you need. You might want to do a lot as financially it would help. You might just want to do a few a day, to keep your brain ticking. It helps if you have had a creative background, but it isn’t necessary at all. You can learn the styles and rules of everything as you go along. Some agencies do pay more than others, so just bear that in mind. You could like at somewhere like People Per Hour if you wanted to get started.
Completing Surveys
While this isn’t a ‘job,’ it something that you could do during nap time, for instance. There are literally hundreds of websites that offer you cash or vouchers for completing a survey. Some will be quick and short, and the payment will be quite minimal. Some will be more in depth, and have the payment reflect that. But if you find yourself with some downtime, you could just get your phone or laptop out and work through a few surveys. Great if you are nursing and have a lot of time just sat down with your baby. Why not earn a few dollars when doing it? The money really adds up, especially if you decided to do some daily.
So some of these things will just be a small amount of extra cash. Some could end up being quite lucrative. Just remember to do what works best for you and your family. We are lucky that we live in an age where flexible working is really easy. People can earn a full-time age from home! So take advantage of that, if you want or need to. Being closer to financial security will be closer than you think.