What All Moms Need To Do To Take Care Of Their Own Health and Sanity

When you are a mom, then your little one’s health and wellbeing often take center stage. But it is also important to make sure that you are looking after yourself as well.  This isn't always the easiest thing to do when you have a million mom jobs to be getting on with. But it is important to take some time out to feed your soul. Remember it isn't only good for you, but allows you to return refreshed and better equipped to cope with the trials of motherhood.



While you love your family more than life itself, it doesn't mean that you can't get out for a night out with the girls once in awhile. Having some adult conversation and time away from the kids and the laundry can help to reinforce your sense of self. This is vital, as it is something that can so often wane due to family commitments.

It is good to remind yourself that you can do things and have fun outside the family unit. Also, it does them the world of good to cope without you for a night here and there. Then they get to realize that they are a lot more capable than they give themselves credit for. They also have a renewed sense of appreciation for all that you do when you are there.


Sleep is one of the most vital things you need to be well. Too little sleep can cause anything from mild irritability to illness and anxiety disorders. But when you have kids to worry about getting a good night's rest can be something of a challenge.

To help you in your quest for sleep you can choose to take some sleep aids. Either natural ones or one you can get on prescription. You can also do some breathing exercises or a body scan relationship before you go to bed.

Another thing that can improve your sleep quality no end is having the right type of mattress. If you are getting too hot in the night and this is stopping you sleeping then consider a mattress like the Somzi. They have swirled gel memory foam designed to be comfy without being too warm. Or, if you are waking up with aches and pains in your joints you may need a firm mattress that will provide additional support.

Alone Time

Another sanity keeper is scheduling some alone time regularly. In case you were wondering alone time means time alone. Not trying to have a bath while the kids scream at you through the door! Or catching a movie with your other half, although this can be really nice too! Playing Bingo is one way to enjoy alone time.

It is important to have some complete alone time for a few reasons. One is that it helps us to recharge when we don't have anyone else's happiness or wellbeing to worry about. Also, it can help us quiet our mind and listen to what our thoughts are saying. This can be useful to gain clarity on issues that are worrying us. It can also help us decide how to move forward and deal with them.