Tips For Parents: Helping Kids to Cope With Stress

As a parent, you’re probably familiar with stressful situations. Even getting the kids ready and out of the door each morning can be a trial. But stress is not just an issue that affects adults. Children are also faced with struggles and stresses. If your kids are approaching exam time or you’ve moved house, for example, this can take its toll. Here are some useful tips to help you and them cope.

Identifying the cause

Stress affects us all, and there are hundreds of different triggers. For adults, stress usually arises from work pressures, financial problems, or relationship worries. For children, stress may be caused by tests or finding schoolwork difficult, changes at home, or bullying. Falling out with friends or worrying about keeping up with trends can also trigger anxiety.

If your child seems stressed, try and talk to them and identify the cause. If you know what’s troubling them, you can try and find a solution. Often, there will be a quick fix. In other cases, it may be an ongoing issue, which you may have to monitor. Encourage your child to talk to you. If they won’t, try another member of the family. If you have teenagers who are struggling with their emotions, it may be beneficial to research therapists.

Taking time out

Children are under a lot of pressure today, and they tend to get tired and overwhelmed. If they’ve been studying all hours of the day, or they’ve had deadlines, time out could make all the difference. Sometimes, you need to take a break, clear your head, and have a few hours where you’re not thinking about assignments. If the holidays are approaching, you could consider booking a few days away or taking a vacation. Try and go for something relaxing or a trip they will find really fun. Book an outdoor adventure in Yosemite National Park, or spread your wings and experience a different country. Theme parks are always a winner for children. Check out if you fancy exploring the thrills and spills of a UK theme park break.

It’s also essential for kids to take the time to relax and unwind during term time. If they’re revising or they’re behind at school, working all hours could cause them to burn out. Try and encourage time management. This way, they will have time to study, as well as socialize.


Exercise is one of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety. It causes your body to release happy hormones known as endorphins, and it distracts and clears your mind. You can also get rid of pent up aggression and frustration. Popular exercises for kids include team sports, swimming, and cycling. You’ll find some more suggestions at

Stress is an increasingly worrying problem for parents. Children today are under a lot of pressure, and it’s beneficial to understand the causes of stress in kids. Try and talk to your child, and encourage them to use coping mechanisms. Help them manage their time, encourage openness, and make an effort to do fun things together. Get active, embrace the outdoors, and make time for relaxation.