Review: Samsung BrightVIEW Baby Video Monitoring System

It's been three long years since I've had an itty-bitty baby around the house and suddenly it seems like everyone around me is having babies! My sister is adopting, my niece is having her first, and even my stepdaughter's mother just found out she's expecting too! With all the babies on the way, I know I will be babysitting (as often as I can!) and if there's any piece of gear that's a necessity when it comes to newborns, it's a good baby monitor.

I was offered the opportunity to review a Samsung BrightVIEW Baby Video Monitoring System for you guys and they sent a complimentary sample for me to check out. Ladies, this is the coolest baby monitor system I've ever seen!

First, some of the features:

  • Ultra-Large 5.0″ LCD Touch Screen Monitor  
  • Night Vision 
  • Quiet Mode
  • Audio Mode
  • Pure Digital Signal
  • HD Audio Enhancements
  • Four Built-In Lullabies

Let me break it down a little more. We're talking about a 5" touch screen monitor with a clear color display, with app-like controls that allow you to pan and zoom on your little one. The BrightVIEW has night vision capabilities up to 16 feet and includes a soft, glowing night-light to calm the baby even in the dark. The camera automatically detects changes in the light level and adjusts the video to the appropriate setting.

The voice-activated (VOX) mode lets parents adjust the audio sensitivity levels on the camera however you want it. In low sensitivity mode, parents will only be alerted if there is a loud noise in the room such as the baby crying or an object falling. High sensitivity will alert parents to low sounds such as the baby cooing. 

To conserve battery life, audio mode keeps the monitor in a stand-by state and only relays the noises coming from the camera. It's easy to switch back to visual mode - just press the power button on the top right corner of the monitor.

Straight out of the box, I hooked the camera up and turned on the monitor... then realized I needed to pair the two. That step is simple, but make sure you do this prior to mounting your camera on the wall. I was surprised at how clear the picture was, and the high sensitivity mode really does pick up every noise in the room. 

I made a short little video to show you guys how it works. (Go easy on me, I really don't have the hang of making videos yet!) 

(don't laugh at my baby, I didn't have a chance to borrow a teeny-tiny for pictures/video)

Now, no product is perfect, and there were a few little things that I thought could be improved a little with the BrightVIEW. The app-like buttons, for instance. It took me a few minutes (and reading the manual) to figure out what each one was for. They seem a little babyish and I would have liked to see a  more grown-up version with words... but that's just my own personal preference (hello, cluelessmomma here, I need explanations!)

There's so much to love though! This monitor lets you play lullabies to your baby by pushing a button on the screen that signals the camera to play music. How ingenius is that?! Another thing that totally blew my mind - it allows you to set up alerts for feeding or changing schedules.

The Samsung BrightVIEW Baby Monitor is a work-from-home mom's dream! - Tweet this

The BrightVIEW Baby Video Monitoring System is now available to purchase at Kohl’s, Target and buybuy BABY with a minimum advertised price of $229.99. A little steep, but for the great features that you really can't find in a baby video monitor - totally worth the money.

For more information about Samsung Techwin America consumer video monitoring and security products, please visit

What features do you look for in a video baby monitor?