Will Quaker Oats #ConcealorReveal the Use of GMOs?

This post was created as part of the Just Label It campaign in which I’m a compensated Labeling Advocate. All opinions expressed are my own.

Quaker is one of the Big Food companies using their deep pockets to lobby against mandatory
GMO labeling. Through the trade association, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, they’re
supporting a bill in Congress we call the DARK Act – because it would Deny Americans the Right to Know whether our food has been genetically engineered.

Sign the petition below to ask Quaker to join us and to support mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs!

It’s hard maintaining that honest image when they’re stopping consumers from knowing what’s in
their food.

GMO crops have led to huge increases in herbicide use, which contributes to an array of threats to
the health of people and the environment. And in case you missed it, the World Health
Organization recently labeled the main herbicide used on GMO crops as probably carcinogenic.

People all across the country are fed up with being kept in the dark. That’s why I’m working with
Just Label It to bring the Conceal or Reveal campaign to Quaker’s doorstep. But we need your
voice, too.

Sign the petition: Ask Quaker to support mandatory FDA labeling of GMOs, stop funding antimandatory labeling efforts, and stand up against the DARK Act!