Rainy Day Craft Ideas for Kids

It’s been a soggy mess outside the last few days and almost unbearable inside.  The kids have been cooped up and getting on each other’s nerves – constantly bickering and whining until you want to tear your hair out.

Yeah you know what I’m talking about.  They can’t go outside because it’s too rainy and muddy outside, and you really don’t want them sitting slack-jawed in front of the idiot-box for hours, or playing video games until their brain starts to resemble Swiss cheese.  You want to be a responsible Mom, and you know that by stimulating their little minds and encouraging their natural creativity you’re setting a great foundation for their imaginations.

A bored kid is a whiney kid, and a whiney kid makes for a grumpy mama.  How about setting up a craft station when the rain has got you all down?  If you’re not a crafty-person (and oh man, I am not) it might seem a bit intimidating to you.  Perhaps the last craft you created was when you glued some beads to that Mother’s Day card back in second grade.  If so, don’t panic. All it takes for you to be able to do this is a little imagination — and some planning ahead.

Grab a Box 

Planning for rainy day craft activities doesn’t have to be difficult or even expensive.  You have a few options to create a crafty storage area.

First option, you’ll need a craft box.  You can make this as simple or as elaborate as you want.  I’ve had friends who have simply taken a cardboard box with a lid, written ‘Craft Box’ on the top and filled it with their goodies; others take the same box and have turned it into a work of art by sticking feathers and buttons and even painted pictures on it.  It all depends on what amount of effort and time you want to put into it.  After all, it’s not the box but what’s inside that counts in the end.

We use a tackle box for our small craft box.  They’re great because they have little compartments for holding your small stuff—like googly eyes, buttons, rhinestones, and stickers.  The bigger compartment holds a glue gun and scissors, plus large pieces of felt or whatever craft stuff we have.

You can also purchase any size plastic tub to use for a craft box—in fact some empty tubs are made just for craft supplies.  They come with drawers and trays with lots of compartments to store your items.  However you make or buy your craft box, make sure it’s special to your children.

Another great idea is to use an over the door plastic shoe holder. They are pretty inexpensive and you store a LOT of items in them without taking up a drawer or any counter space in your kitchen. Because the little plastic areas are see-through, you’re instantly organized! You can see everything you have at a glance.

In lieu of a box, you could even designate a drawer in your kitchen as the “craft drawer” and fill it with your goodies.

Fill it Up!

There are some fundamentals you’ll want in your rainy day craft box.  The essential items include glue, glue sticks, paper, scissors, crayons, markers and maybe even some watercolors.
Kids can make the most imaginative things with the most innocuous items and you can help them make things for next to nothing.  Having fun doesn’t have to be expensive!

If you have young children, make sure that you keep the small craft items out of reach so they’re no danger of choking.

As I said before, you can fill up your craft box, or drawer, or over-the-door craft holder fairly cheaply.

What I like to do is pick up things at garage sales or thrift stores.  Buttons, small pieces of colored glass and paper.  Lots and lots of paper, in all sizes and colors and shapes. When I’m doing a project and I’ve cut up paper, I never throw the unused pieces away. Rather, I keep them and put them into my craft box.  You never know when they might come in handy.  This is especially true for wrapping paper.  Those pretty patterns make such cute crafts!

Colored pieces of felt, bottle cleaners, googly eyes and any other item that seems odd but could come in handy later. Never toss anything out without first putting it in your craft box—just in case. Aluminum foil is also a must-have for your craft box.

Even old socks, ones that your children have outgrown or ones that your husband has gotten holes in. can be used for exciting craft ideas!  Make a sock puppet!

Crafty Ideas

Here are a few rainy-day craft ideas to keep your kids busy when they’re trapped inside.  Most can be done using items found around your home so they’re fun AND inexpensive!

Tin foil Shapes

You’ll need some tin foil and your imagination only.

Take a sheet of foil and squeeze it, ball it up, shape it into something fun. Use enough aluminum foil to firmly twist and ball up to the desired design. You can mount it on wood block with glue gun, or thumb tacks. For an extra challenge try to make a body shape, that will balance on a string tied tightly between two chairs. Make figures and make a play with them.  Using yarn, you can attach hair to them with a glue gun.

Potato Prints         

You'll need:

Poster paint or tempera
Paper, cardboard, or wood
sharp knife

1. Cut potatoes in half or thirds.
2. Draw desired design onto potato with the pencil.
3. Young children can carve their whole design with the pencil but if more detail is preferred, an adult needs to cut around the pencil outline.
4. Place paint in tray or paper plate in a thin layer.
5. Press potato design into paint and firmly press
onto paper for impression.
Don't have Paint? Coloring with marker onto the potato works as well although
it produces a lighter effect.
Mom's Tip: Practice a couple of times to get the feel for how much paint you want on your print.
To accomplish a textured effect try letting layers dry and adding prints on top in different colors.

Making Stamps  

You'll need
Any of these items
Rubber erasers, Cork board, Styrofoam, cardboard
Inner tube rubber, Felt squares
Sharp utility knife
ink pad
Glue gun

1. Cut the desired shape out of a rubber eraser for example:
The tip of a pencil eraser will form a circle,
Add notches to create flowers, carve letters
( don't forget to reverse  for printmaking)
2. When using felt, cork or cardboard  attach the stamp
to a wood block with a glue gun.
Two inch dowel pieces work well.
3.Press stamps onto ink pad and press on paper.
Mom's Tip:
Stamps will last longer if you keep a damp sponge
at work area to dab after each color.

Sock Puppets

Making a sock puppet:
Socks, all kinds and colors
Glue gun
Googly eyes

No one can resist a sock puppet.  Use any kind of sock—the more colorful the better.  Using a glue gun, attach yarn hair, maybe even a yarn moustache.  Stick eyes on, wait till everything is dry and then have a puppet show!  Recreate a scene from one of your favorite cartoons.  Use a pink sock and make Patrick, a yellow sock to make Sponge Bob.
Using a cardboard box, you can create a stage where your sock puppets can put on plays. With a bit of creativity, you can have hours of fun!

Bread and Glue Clay   

Easy Recipe
You’ll need :
8 slices of day-old white bread
(Less expensive fluffy type)
1 /2 C. White Glue
Food color
Flour for work space
Wax paper

To Make:
Remove Crusts. Break bread into small pieces and put in mixing bowl. Pour glue over bread. Mix with one hand until
it becomes a sticky mass. Take the out of the bowl and
form into a ball .With both hands keep patting into a smaller ball until it becomes just slightly tacky. Dust work surface
with a small amount of flour and knead gently until it
becomes smoother and more pliable. Knead firmly at this
time. Knead until texture is satiny, about 5 mins.

Wrap tightly with plastic to store. Remember to seal the unused portion while working.

To color dough tear of portion needed , flatten and add color directly onto dough. Blend until satiny again. Add flour, if needed to achieve the proper texture.

Air dry. Drying times vary depending on thickness. To speed up drying place on cookie sheet and leave overnight in an unlit oven. Paint with acrylic paints (optional) and seal with spray on finish.

Toothpick shapes

You’ll need the following:
marshmallows or gum drops
Insert the toothpicks into the marshmallows. Keep adding marshmallows to make any shape you wish. For example: star, hexagon or complex structures like a tall building or a bridge

Finger Painting    

There’s nothing more exciting to a child than getting themselves all dirty.  As parents and caregivers we’re always telling them to stay clean, to wash their hands and don’t touch.

Now you’re going to give them the opportunity to touch and to get dirty and to play!
You’ll need some water soluble finger paints.  They come in all colors and they’re so much fun! Whether from a squeeze bottle or a jar—dipping their little fingers into the wet muck gives them tactile sensations and a creative outlet.

You’ll need paper and paints.  Also, it would be a good idea to have the child wear old clothing or an apron to keep the paint from their clothing.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on making some exciting memories with your children—as well as keeping their little imaginations active during dull and rainy days.