Returning to Pre-Kid Weight after Pregnancy - with #PostNatalFatBurner

After my first kid, I was back at my pre-pregnancy weight within a week.  Yeah, yeah, I know - you hate me.  It wasn't done with dieting or exercise, I was in the hospital with a horrible infection for 6 days after giving birth.  When I came home, the only evidence that I had been pregnant was huge leaky boobs with a baby attached to them.  Oh, and gallstones.  I wasn't as healthy as I wish I was.

Then I had my second child.  After her?  I wasn't so lucky to lose weight so quickly.  Since I didn't experience the postnatal excess weight the first time around, it was a real challenge for me to see it all hanging around.  I gained 40 pounds with my baby girl, and it thought it was there to stay.  I have no idea how I gained that much, especially since she was only 4 pounds and 11 ounces.  This tiny little baby made my butt bigger, my thighs bigger... and we wont even talk about the extra weight around my midsection.

Losing any of it didn't seem like it would be possible either.  I had to increase my calories to make milk for her, but she wasn't nursing exclusively, so there were times when I was only pumping an ounce or two to put up for later.  By the time I was able to exercise comfortably again, I never had the time or energy.  So that extra weight stuck around for quite a while.

That's why I'm excited to participate in a sponsored campaign for FitTea.

FitTea uses 100% natural ingredients to safely increase your metabolism, burn fat, and even increase milk production. I wish I had known about FitTea PostNatal Fatburner when I was attempting to lose the baby weight.

Increases your energy levels
Produces more lactation
Thermogenic fat burner
Contains NO caffeine or stimulants
Supports healthy weight loss

When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, FitTea helps you return to your pre-pregnancy weight - without any danger to your or your baby!

While FitTea's PostNatal Fatburner is safe for use in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, remember that it's always wise to check with their doctors first.

This is a sponsored post, written by me, on behalf of FitTea