16 Silly Easter Jokes for Kids

My dad was the ultimate in "dad jokes" - you know the kind, they make you groan but still giggle a little? Well here's a few of my favorites of his for Easter.

How do you catch a unique rabbit? 
Unique up on it. 

How do you catch a tame rabbit? 
Tame way. 

What do you call a rabbit with fleas? 
Bugs Bunny. 

Why cant a rabbit's ears be twelve inches long? 
Because then they'd be feet. 

What do you call a group of bunnies walking backwards? 
A receding hareline. 

What do you call bunnies that live at the north pole? 

What do rabbits have that nothing else in the world does? 
Baby rabbits. 

How do you find the Easter Bunny if he's lost? 
Make a sound like a carrot and he'll find you. 

Knock Knock. 
Who's there? 
Ether who? 
Ether Bunny! 

Knock knock. 
Who's there? 
Juan who? 
Juan more ether bunny. 

Knock knock. 
Who's there? 
Stella who? 
Stella nother ether bunny. 

Knock knock. 
Who's there? 
Justin who? 
Justin other ether bunny. 

Knock knock. 
Who's there? 
Samoa who? 
Samoa ether bunnies. 

Knock knock. 
Who's there? 
Dewey who? 
Dewey have to listen to anymore ether bunny jokes? 

Knock knock. 
Who's there? 
Consumption who? 
Consumption be done about all these ether bunnies? 

Knock, knock. 
Who's there? 
Cargo who? 
Cargo "beep, beep"...run over all the ether bunnies.
Hope you got a chuckle!  What's your favorite Easter=themed joke?