Life as it is - and a Fé Fit 90-day Fitness Review With Fibro

I've really been slacking, ya'll.  The fiance is working out of town and only comes in on the weekends now, the Kaya is starting the potty training, and the Sammy... oh, man.  He's had some definite anger issues lately - he's been through all of the psychological and developmental testing and it's looking like sensory processing disorder.  I'm thinking possible anxiety as well, but the doctors just keep telling us that we should wait until he's a little older to see if he "grows out of it."  I hope it is just a phase, the meltdowns and the tantrums - but I do wonder if there's more to it.

With all that going on, my computer decided to take a turn for the worse and stopped working on me - it was finally time to pull the plug on Ol' Trusty.  I'd had her for 9 years; I guess it was time for an upgrade anyway.  My new one is up and running beautifully and I am so excited to be able to sit down and write again.  Life has just been so hectic, and without my outlet (blogging) I've been a bit overwhelmed.

Anyway, that's what's been going on - but let me tell ya what's new.

I'm working out.  That's right - this little miss lazy momma has finally decided that if I am going to keep carrying around Kaya, I'm going to need to build some strength up.  Not just that, but with the fibromyalgia - I'm just so out of shape.  They say that the best remedy for fibro is exercise, but when you hurt All. The. Time. it's just hard to get into an actual exercise regime.

Thanks to Tomoson, I came across this review opportunity for Fé Fit Women's Weight Loss/90 Day Fitness workout.

All this for $119 on Amazon (affiliate link)
Ok, so I mentioned I don't exercise.  Like, ever.  The first two days of the workouts?  I thought they were trying to kill me.  I stuck with it though, and I can really tell a difference.  I'm not using it to lose weight, more to get fit and reduce the fibro pain.  What I love most about the Fé Fit program is that it is definitely target towards women, working on core strength and reducing problem areas that only women seem to get.  To me, it was almost like it's made just for moms!

There's a booklet included that allows you to track your progress, and breaks down the workouts into your weekly activities.  They even have it broken down for if you want to get fit, lose weight, or buff up.  A calender to let me keep track of my workouts?  Yeah, that doesn't feed into my organization obsession at all... 

Honestly though, if you want to get in shape, tone up, or lose weight, this is an amazing system.  I would definitely recommend it to all moms. 

Disclosure - the aforementioned product was provided in order to facilitate this review.  All opinions are my own.