Toddler Manicures with Piggy Paint

I received the following product(s) in exchange for an honest review.

My little girl is 18 months old, and I've never painted her fingernails.  She's already showing an extremely girly side, always picking out dresses to wear and wanting to wear bracelets and necklaces, but I worried about the chemicals in nail polish and so I wouldn't paint her nails.  I felt bad one day when I was painting mine and she tried getting me to do hers too, so I broke down and painted her toenails - but I knew they wouldn't be going into her mouth.

Did you know that there's an all-natural line of nail polish for little ones?  Piggy Paint is a non-toxic and hypoallergenic water-based nail polish that is perfect for babies and toddlers!  

"Color Me Happy" Gift Set - $57.99

Of course, this is a review so I'm sure you know by now that means I fully tested out the nail polish. Wondering how I got a squirmy, wiggly eighteen month old to sit still while I painted her nails?  I cheated.  For her hands anyway - I painted them while she was sleeping.

I wasn't worried though, because there's no harsh chemical smell and no toxic ingredients; I didn't notice an odor at all.

"Forever Fancy"

The best part about painting her nails while she was sleeping was that they were able to dry and completely cure without getting smudged.

**For older kids that don't mind holding still for a manicure, blow-drying the nails for a minute on a low blower/warm heat setting will allow them to cure faster and prevent chipping.

When she woke up from her nap, she was so excited about her pink fingernails that she sat completely still for me to paint her toenails as well.  Well, almost - she did try to "help" some.

"Girls Rule"

As a matter of fact, we all ended up getting manicures once I got started.  What I really liked about Piggy Paint, aside from it being "Natural as Mud" was the thickness.  They recommend putting on 2-3 coats, but honestly one coat was enough to really see the color and cover the nail.  There wasn't any running or easy smudges.  Now, this means that it takes a little longer to dry (there's no formaldehyde to speed up the nail drying process - thank goodness) so watching the little ones blow on their nails was really cute.

Left to Right: "Forever Fancy", "Ice Cream Dream", and "Sometimes Sweet"
There's something so sweet about chubby hands with painted nails, isn't there?

We loved Piggy Paint's "Color Me Happy" Gift Set so much, that I'm including it in the 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - It makes a perfect baby/toddler gift!  Be sure to check out their website for more information.  You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter!

For more gift ideas, click on the button below:

 2014 Holiday Gift Guide

How old was your baby when you first painted her fingernails?

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