"The Women's Choice Award mission is to raise awareness among consumers about which brands are most recommended and trusted by women," said Delia Passi, CEO and Founder.Recommendations are the top decision-making factor when it comes to purchases (for any product), from becoming aware of a product right on through to the actual purchase decision. (Ed Keller, Keller Fay Group, 2012) Women are earning, spending, and influencing spending at a greater rate than ever before, accounting for $7 trillion in consumer and business spending in the U.S. (Steven Parker Jr., 2014)
Women are responsible for around 80% of purchases, and do most of their research online rather than in-store. (Chicago Sun Times, June 2013)
The award doesn't just signify that these are brands that women like – it shows that women are willing to recommend it to others according to Ms. Passi. "When a woman is willing to stake her reputation on a recommendation, it means that business has earned her loyalty. Those are the businesses we wish to recognize for their efforts and commitment to the No. 1 consumer – women," she says. "We are pleased to salute these outstanding companies for their focus on excellence, a commitment that is recognized by female consumers nationwide."
Here are the top baby gear and travel basics for 2014:
- Baby Bathtub: Safety 1st
- Baby Bottle: Evenflo
- Baby Carrier: Graco
- Baby Floor Seat: Bumbo
- Baby Formula: Enfamil
- Baby Monitor: Safety 1st and BabyBjorn
- Baby Shampoo/Body Wash: Johnson's
- Baby Swings: Graco
- Baby Walker/Jumper: Fisher-Price
- Baby Wipe: Huggies
- Bouncer Seat: Graco
- Breast Pump: Evenflo
- Car Booster Seat: Graco
- Car Seat: Graco
- Changing Table: Graco
- Diaper Cremes & Ointment: Desitin
- Diaper Pail: Diaper Genie
- Diaper: Huggies
- High Chair: Graco
- Laundry Detergent: Dreft
- Nursing Pillow: Boppy
- Pacifiers: Nuk and Medela
- PlayPen: Graco
- Rocking Chair/Glider: Graco
- Stroller: Graco
- Teething Gel/Tablets: Baby Orajel