In a little more than month, 5 short weeks, my baby girl is going to be a year old. Gone are the days of having a baby in the house: no more mixing formula, no more tummy time, no more baby food... She's growing up! I have to admit, I'm actually kind of sad. You see, Matt and I have decided not to have any more kids. He had a vasectomy, and I am on birth control, and that's that. No more babies. So here I am, all emotional about my baby girl getting so big - realizing that I will never hold my own newborn baby, I will never nurse, I won't be doing any more two and four A.M. feedings... ever again.
I'm sad, but still so overjoyed at the idea that I made her. She is my very own baby girl and she is getting so big... She just started saying "ma ma" not too long ago and I can't even tell you how special that is to me. She's been chanting "da da da da" for a few months now, and even though I know it's just babbling and that she isn't identifying the sound with any specific person, I was still jealous. But now she says, or rather growls, "ma ma" and I couldn't be more proud!
Oh, and get this: she's trying to walk! Not unassisted yet, but she will pull up onto furniture and cruise along - working her steps out and being oh so careful. She has this really cute push toy that my sister gave to her, and just in the last couple of days she's started walking behind it - so happy and proud of herself for being a big girl.
She's still tiny; the other April babies at daycare make her look like she's several months behind them, but she's growing steadily. At a whopping 14.9 lbs and 26 inches tall, she looks so silly trying to cruise around - almost like she shouldn't be mobile at all yet.
But mobile she is, and so curious... She wants to see everything there is to see, bang it on the floor, taste it, and then decide if it's worth coming back to once she's checked something else out. It's fascinating to watch her explore, and I can spend hours on end just observing her at play.

My little Kaya is growing up, and I want to share this wonderful time with all of you. That's why I'm putting together a guide for our favorite products from her first year, and having a giveaway to celebrate on April 14th! I hope you all are as excited as I am, and I can't wait to show you all the wonderful things that you can win! (just a teaser: expect Combi, Luvs, Uncle Goose, live clean (baby), and a few more!)

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