I received the following book, free of charge, in order to facilitate this honest review
I live a high-stress life. Not because of my career (non-existent at the moment), not because of my fiance (we have a drama-free life), and not because of outside stressors (again, drama-free bubble here) but because of my own mind. Living with panic disorder keeps me on edge, makes me worry about everything, and keeps me in a constant state of stress.
It is not what I want for my children. When I see my three year old son get upset about something and "flip out," it worries me that I'm not providing the tools that he needs to be an emotionally balanced human being. When my seven year old step-daughter tells me that she "can't" do something that I know she is completely capable of (like bringing her reading grade back up from a D-,) I'm scared that we're not teaching her better stress-management techniques and self-esteem tools. As a parent, it's my job to teach my children - and being able to handle stress is included in said curriculum.
That's why I was so excited to be given the opportunity to read and review Lori Lite's Stress Free Kids: A Parent's Guide to Helping Build Self-Esteem, Manage Stress, and Reduce Anxiety in Children. You see, I wasn't given the proper guidance when it came to stress management and self-esteem. I struggle every day with my own anxiety and I don't want that for my children.
This book is a fantastic tool for teaching parents how to help their kids deal with not only "toxic stress" like what I face, but also provides coping tools for everyday stress like school, family, and sports. Stress Free Kids teaches relaxation techniques like deep breathing and positive affirmations, encourages "self-talk" to help build up self-esteem, and even provides common scenarios as examples of how to teach children to work through things.
I love that Lori Lite wrote, "Stress is contagious." Because it is! You know how when you've had a bad day and your stress level seems higher than normal, and then it's almost as if everyone else in the house instantly starts complaining, whining, fighting, and crying? That's because when you're stressed, the people around you can feel it too. That's why the first chapter of this book teaches parents how to relax. How can you teach your children to live a peaceful life, if you yourself are incapable of calming down?
Each chapter is laid out in a very comprehensive way, with the introduction to the subject, "Lori's Lesson," Sanity Saver tips, and Parent's Point-of-View. I loved how each section really seemed to pop out and let you know that there is hope for teaching your kids, and yourself, how to relax and be well-rounded individuals.
I would definitely recommend this book to any parent. There are helpful tips and lessons not only for young children, but for life in general.
You can find this book on Amazon
About the Author: Award-winning childhood stress expert Lori Lite created her Stress Free Kids® curriculum to alleviate her children’s stress and to help them sleep peacefully. Lite is author of the Indigo Dreams series, which has been awarded the CNE Award of Excellence, and has been featured on several media outlets, including CBS News, USA Today, Web MD, Mind, Body, and Soul, and Prevention Magazine.
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this book in order to provide this review. However, all opinions are my own
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