Evenflo Feeding's Classic Vented Bottles #Review: #WombtoWalking

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I am so excited to share with you guys Evenflo Feeding's new update to their Advanced bottle collection - now featuring Proflow™ Nipples: the superior, one-piece vented nipples that rapidly vent air bubbles into the bottle and not baby’s belly.  This means less gas, less fussiness, and less less incidences of colic.

The clear, silicone nipple works with all standard neck bottles, making it simple and convenient for every mom.  Expertly designed for easy assembly and leak-free feeding, the simple, one-piece nipple and vent means no extra parts to clean or lose.

Little Miss Picky actually liked these nipples, which is a far-fetched idea for her.  The nipple is narrow, which is the style she prefers.  Usually, I tend to associate the word "vented" with "leaking" but I was pleasantly surprised with these nipples.  Because of the tab that goes on the bottle side, they fit snug inside the nipple ring and didn't leak at all!

So which bottles did we try the Proflow™ Nipples with?  The Evenflo Feeding Classic collection, of course! Up first is the Evenflo Feeding Classic Twist + Vented Bottles:
Right away, I have to let you know that I love the twisted design.  Since Kaya is becoming more and more independent every day, she is insisting on holding her own bottle now and the twist design really helps her to grip the bottle.  This BPA-free polypropylene bottle comes in six colors: Pink, Lavender, Teal, Blue, Orange and Green.  They're bright, happy bottles, and have a very unique look to them.  I was a little concerned about the twists making the bottle harder to clean, but that wasn't the case.  There wasn't any difference in the elbow grease involved in washing these bottles.  

We also had the opportunity to try out the Evenflo Feeding Classic Glass + Vented Bottles.

I have never had the courage to try glass baby bottles before, simply because I'm afraid I will drop one and make it shatter.  These, however, are very thick and heavy - a sure sign that they wouldn't fall to pieces at the first time the diaper bag bumped into something.  I really like the classic look and feel, and because they're glass, they're naturally BPA-free.  The Classic Glass bottles even feature Micro Air Vents™ to even further help keep those pesky gas bubbles away from your baby's tummy.

A tad heavier than your standard bottle, Kaya had a little bit of trouble feeding herself with this one - but still liked it:

You can find these bottles at various retailers including Walgreens, Walmart, and RiteAid, or you can purchase online at Amazon.com,,BuyBuyBaby.com, Target.com, and Walmart.com.

Be sure to check out Evenflo Feeding on Facebook and Twitter!

Disclaimer:  I was provided with the aforementioned products in order to facilitate a review.  However, all opinions are honest and my own.

Evenflo Feeding is generously providing a prize pack in the Womb to Walking Giveaway event coming up April 14th, so be sure to check back so you can enter to win!