MAM Anti-Colic Bottle Review {and Giveaway}

MAM Anti-Colic Bottle Review {and Giveaway}

Every evening, without fail, Kaya gets fussy.  We're talking super-screaming, face turning red, nothing working but walking and bouncing her until she falls asleep from sheer exhaustion.  We've tried gas drops, extra tummy time, keeping her upright for at least 30 minutes after eating, and propping the edge of her mattress so she isn't laying flat.  She hasn't been officially diagnosed with Colic, but I know she does have tummy troubles.  

Then we were sent a couple MAM Anti-Colics bottle to review.

5 oz and 8 oz Ant-Colic Bottles by MAM

I was a little worried at first because I have one picky little girl who is set on a specific nipple shape.  The MAM bottles have a unique shape to their nipples, ideal for switching between breast and bottle.  Kaya wasn't breastfed, however, so I wasn't sure how she would handle the switch. They are made from a super-soft silicone that resists collapsing from babies' suction - this part was great because I didn't have to pull it from her mouth every few minutes to release the suction.

Here she is, my precious little munchkin, enjoying her MAM Anti-Colic bottle.  I didn't have any reason to worry, she loved the shape and it was so easy to feed her with it.

The MAM Anti-Colic Bottle helps reduce the stress associated with newborn feedings.  Patented ventilation holes in the bottle’s base regulate the pressure balance of baby’s milk, allowing it to flow evenly without bubbles or air pockets for reduced gas and colic symptoms.

I love the wide openings at both ends - filling and cleaning this bottle is a breeze.  With narrow bottle tops, I always end up spilling the powdered formula all over the counter when I'm trying to make a bottle (especially one-handed with a screaming baby in the other arm) but I didn't have that problem with the MAM bottles. The bottom of the bottle also screws off, making it a cinch to clean those hard-to-reach edges that I deal with on normal bottles.  And the best part is that MAM's bottles are self-sterilizing; with just a few simple steps, you can sterilize these bottles in the microwave to ensure your baby is getting a clean bottle.

MAM's bottles take minutes to sterilize
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And now for a giveaway - MAM was gracious enough to provide a Triple pack of 8 oz. MAM Anti-Colic Bottles (ARV $18.99) for one lucky winner!  Simply enter on the rafflecopter below.  This baby bottle giveaway will run from today, 8/10, until 8/18 at 12am.  Open to US only, 18+.

Disclaimer: I was provided with the aforementioned product for an honest review.  No other compensation was received.


  1. Thank you very much for the opportunity. We are about to have our second baby, and always have the fear of colic. Fingers crossed we don't have to deal with it, but products such as these should help that wish along.

  2. wow they look like great bottle a little one coming and do not wnat to go though it

  3. My sister is about to have her 3rd and my niece and nephew were colicky I Hope the new one is not that way . This would be great for her to try

  4. I have a little one right now who is pretty good, but can sometimes have some gas problems and this would help that! Thanks!

  5. I really could use these. We're trying to get pregnant now and have nothing!

  6. I love the color and design. It's so girly. Having two girls, and my younger daughter still breastfeeding, I am hoping to wean her soon. :)


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