Headstands and Boo-Boo Stickers

The little guy learned how to do a headstand this week.  Add another item to my list of anxiety-inducing activities... He has so much fun with it though!  I love seeing his face light up when he's showing off.

And he's come up with a new word. Instead of Band-aid, he's decided that they are called "Boo-Boo Stickers."

We also got our first family picture taken this week.  I couldn't believe it, but nowhere in existence is there a picture of all four of us.  It seems like either Matt or I always have the camera.  Here ya go, this is my little family:


  1. I actually really like that new term 'boo boo stickers'. I think I will use it with my own little ones! :D

    1. he just discovered stickers, and then got hurt a few days later - and tada! he's a creative little guy. It comes out more like "boo boo tickuhs" but it's adorable!

  2. Haha..When I saw this, I remember how my daughter did her first tumbling. She was just 8 months when she did it. I don't know what's with her. Up to now, she loves doing it. lol. Boo boo sticker is a cute word!Beautiful family by the way. :)

  3. Yes this would give me anxiety too. Glad my guys haven't figured out how to do this yet!

  4. Lol boo boo stickers is awesome! That really is what they are. How genius. :)

  5. Aww he is so cute. My son use to call band-aids Boo Boo Dades .

  6. Oh wow, and you caught it in a picture. You all will get a big kick out of seeing that latter! beautiful!


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