2 Month Check-up

Baby Kaya had her two week checkup Monday.  You know the one: they poke and prod and make the baby scream, while you stand helplessly beside wishing there was something you could do to make them leave her alone, yet knowing at the same time that you would rather know whether or not your baby is healthy so you say nothing, simply "shh shh"ing to try to settle her down.  Oh and the dreaded vaccinations... I am a vaccinating mama; I do trust the science behind vaccinations and believe the benefits outweigh the risks.  But three shots into her tiny little thigh all in one painfully long visit?  My poor baby!

Oh and the weight/height percentiles??  Those are enough to through any momma with good sense into a tizzy, right?  Kaya was 4 lbs 14oz when she was born, 4 lbs 6 oz when we brought her home from the hospital.  My tiny little princess.  At this appointment, she weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz - such a huge leap by 2 months!  They weighed her and measured her and charted the stats... She is in the 5th percentile.  I know she's growing steadily and doing really good, but man those standards!  Now I am absolutely paranoid that she isn't 'big enough' even though my common sense tells me she is healthy as can be.

2 months old
She loves her paci (aka mute button)
On a completely unrelated note, Kaya's crib is finally set up!

Sure, it's in our room, but with three kids in a three bedroom house, someone had to go without their own room... And since she's too little to protest about it yet, I guess Kaya lost on this one.

The crib is Babi Italia from the Asheville collection, and the bedding is from Lolli Living, the Animal Tree collection.  I am so in love with these retro owls right now.

Anyway, I digressed - I'm just so excited about how cute her crib is!  Tell me, did you worry about the "standards" with your little ones?  How did they measure up to the APA's charts?  


  1. I really hated those check up visits also. I vaccinated both of my kids and I always felt so horrible, especially when they asked you to hold your baby down for them. Even tho I know it causes less chance of injury it just always made me feel bad. I didn't have to worry so much about the standards both of my kids were pretty standard lol. Well maybe a little above average in size my son was 9.0 and my daughter was 9.2 sigh...

  2. Firstly i like the name Kaya it sounds very nice and i so hope the baby is fine after the regular checkup which i too am not too fond of.

  3. Oh I love that crib! Beautiful!

  4. I agree with you on vaccination. There is not enough evidence to convince me that the risks of vaccination outweigh the benefits. Thanks to vaccinations, we have been able to nearly eradicate some diseases. It is difficult to watch your little one go through them, though.


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